♦︎Chapter 7♦︎ Talent

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Meep! Enjoy. This chapter may be longer than usual.

It was another sunny morning in Beach City and you, Steven and Jasper all sat on Steven's bed, watching some weird tv show called 'Crying breakfast Friends'. It was just food crying for no reason which confused the both of you but Steven seemed to enjoy it . "Steven, don't you have anything else to do other than watch this? It's super confusing." You said. Jasper nodded in agreement. "Well yes but in don't think you'll find it any more interesting."

You watched Steven grab a piece of paper from the floor and showed it to you. It was a poster of some sort. "It's the it's a Beach City talent show tonight and lots of people are performing but I'm struggling to fill in the last space." You and Jasper looked at each other and back to Steven. "Sounds dumb." Jasper snorted. "Don't be mean Jasper." You elbowed her on the side before turning back to Steven.

"Maybe one of you could go up and sing." Steven said with enthusiasm. "No." Jasper said bluntly. "W-well what about you (G/n)?" You didn't know whether you wanted to or not but you didn't want to let Steven down. "Ugh fine I'll do it." You sighed. "Aw yeah!" Steven jumped up and hugged you tightly. Jasper was a bit concerned but you were just happy that you were able to make Steven happy.

"So Steven, what exactly am I going to sing?" You asked. "Oh right. Here, you can find a song you like." Steven handed you his mobile device and a pair of head phones and you scrolled through the list of song titles there were. You just flicked through until your finger on one of them. 'Looking at me' you read to yourself self before placing the headphones on and listened to the song, memorising all the lyrics.

"Ok I chose my song." You said, handing back Steven's phone. "Good, now you need to wear something that's not...what your wearing now." You were a little thrown back but you realised that your uniform wasn't really earth like. "Maybe a Jacket will do." Steven run the stairs for a few seconds before running back to you, holding an old looking jacket in his hands. "Here. This was my dad's old jacket but he never wears it anymore."

You stared at it for a second before trying it on. "See it suits you." You looked down at yourself before turning to Jasper, who was zoned out, for her opinion. "What do you think Jasper? Does it look good on me?" Jasper eyed you up and down before giving you a thumbs up. "You always look good." She said making you blush and laugh. "Thank you."

Steven looked at his clock before throwing his hands up in the air. "Yes, everything is now sorted. Now it's time for lunch. Do you guess want to come with me to the Big Donut?" Steven asked. You had heard about this place before but you had no idea what is was. "Um, sure. What about you a Jasper?" You asked. "Pfft nah. I just stay here and watch the weird stuff cry more." You shrugged your shoulders and walked with Steven to the door. "Don't break anything whilst we are gone." Steven said before closing the door.

"So what is this place you speak of." You asked as you headed over to the town. "It's a place where people go and get the freshest donuts."
"Donuts? What are those?" You had never seen what a donut looked like so it was confusing. "Well it's something you eat. It tastes sweet and it has different toppings on top, like icing or cream, you can pick." You were still confused but you didn't want to ask too many questions.

You finally reached the 'Big Donut'. "Is that how big donuts are?" You asked curiously as you pointed at the massive donut on top of the shop. "How do you humans manage to consume that?" Steven just laughed at you, leading you to the front door. "No of course not. They are much smaller than that." Steven entered the shop and you followed behind him. "Hello Sadie." Steven said and a small blonde haired woman greeted back from behind the counter.

"Oh hey Steven. Is that a new friend of yours? I've never seen you before." You just stayed in silence whilst Steven did all the talking. "Well I've known (G/n) for a while now but she spent most of the time out on the barn." You nodded and looked back at Sadie. "Oh right, well it's nice to meet you (G/n). And here are your donuts Steven." Sadie handed Steven a paper bag with, what you presumed were donuts inside.

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