♦︎Chapter 6♦︎ Advice

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Starting to get tense now. Also Thank you for all the views. Right now we're almost at 300 so thank you so much to the loyal viewers and the new. I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE INTENSE ♥︎.

Lapis flew back to the barn from the woods after confronting you and Jasper fused together as (f/n). She was frustrated and angry but she didn't exactly know why herself. "(G/n) couldn't have fused with Jasper of all gems. She's dangerous. After what happened with Malachite."
"Lapis?" Peridot peered around the barn door to see Lapis talking to herself. "Where did you go? Did you find (G/n) in the end?" Peridot asked.

"Y-yes but she was fused with Jasper. I have to tell the others to warn them. This must be her plan." Lapis explained and spread her wings once again. "Wait Lapis, your thinking to much about it-." Peridot tried to chase after her but she couldn't keep up to her and she had already flown out of sight. 'How could they have such a stable fusion together?' Lapis thought. A sense of somewhat jealousy looming over her. 'It was almost perfect.'

Meanwhile you were walking back to the barn with Jasper beside you, who was still muttering away as she burned off steam. "Oh come on Jasper, I doubt anything bad will happen. Cheer up." You said to lighten up the mood. "But~ she made us unfuse." Jasper pouted like a spoilt kid. "Oh there is always next time ok. Let's just get back and make sure Lapis doesn't tell the others. I can do without any drama."

You finally reached the barn where you were greeted by Peridot who came running towards you. "DID YOU TWO REALLY FUSE TOGETHER!" Peridot screeched. You sighed in annoyance as Lapis had already told Peridot and is probably on the way to tell the other Crystal Gems. "Oh my stars." You brushed your hair back and sighed again. "Looks like Lapis is going to tell the others after all. Come on Jasper, we have some explaining to do. See you later Peridot."

You walk over to the temple with Jasper, dragging your feet and thinking about the possible outcomes. It made you feel nervous. "Are you sure that you are ok (g/n)?"
"I don't know. What if something bad happens like they get upset or angry or-." You were cut off by Jasper smashing her lips against yours. It was only for a brief moment but it was enough to send you into a state of shock. "Maybe that will get you to shut up." You began to blush, your cheeks turning a darker shade than your gem stone. "Stop worrying so much."

Mini Time skip

Lapis and the rest of the Crystal Gems were waiting for you and Jasper to come through the door. Lapis had told them everything about what happened. Steven was the only one who seemed happy about your fusion. "(G/n) is going to open the door any second." Garnet said as she sat on the couch with Steven and Pearl. Amethyst was busy sticking her head in the fridge and Lapis stood at the back of the room.

And right on queue, you burst through the door followed by Jasper. Everyone was silent until Steven broke it. "You two fused." He said with stars in his eyes. "Ahah yeah~." You said nervously hoping that the situation wouldn't be uncomfortable. "Hah! Check you guys out." Amethyst said as she grabbed a bottle of soda and ate it whole. "Looks like (G/n) and my sis are in love~." She teased, making you feel embarrassed as well as Jasper.

"That's enough Amethyst." Garnet interrupted. "This is such a big deal Garnet." Pearl spoke. "There has to be some safety precautions put in place if they are going to fuse." Everyone was talking back and forth with each other but Lapis seemed to catch your eye as she shifted at the back of the room, obviously laying low. "Alright that's enough now." Garnet hushed everyone. "I'm sure their fusion isn't anything to be worried about."

After Garnet said those words Lapis walked past everyone and and out the house, flying back to the barn in silence. You noticed that the sun began to set again which meant it was almost time for Steven to go bed. "Now everyone should go back to their rooms. Steven you can play with Jasper outside. I want to speak with (G/n) alone." Steven cheered as he guided the confused quartz out of the house and onto the beach.

Pear and Amethyst returned to their rooms which left you alone with Garnet. You just stood by the door feeling awkward. Garnet patted the space beside her, signalling for you to sit so you obliged. The fusion watched you sit down and get comfortable as you knew this might take a while.

"So. What did it feel like?" Garnet questioned. "W-What are you talking about."
"When you and Jasper fused together. You should know how it felt." Garnet chuckled. "Oh right. I mean. It was weird at first but it felt so nice." You drifted off. "I felt so strong, like I knew how Jasper felt. Confidence, powerful and warmth. Until Lapis turned up and we fell apart in the woods."

"Let me ask you this (G/n)." Garnet said as she moved closer to you, as if she was getting ready to interrogate you. "Do you think that Jasper is the right gem to fuse with? Do you trust her?"
"Absolutely." You said with confidence. "I see. Seems like you two really care for each other which is good." Garnet said making you sigh in relief.

"Garnet. How come Lapis doesn't like Jasper?" You really wanted to find out why as it's been on your mind since Jasper arrived on the beach. Garnet fixed her visors before she talked quietly to make sure no one was listening. "Before Jasper washed up on the beach and lost her memories, she used to be an enemy. A soldier sent by the Diamonds to earth along with Peridot and Lapis. Jasper tried to bring us back with them but their ship was destroyed. Jasper had another plan and fused with Lapis to create Malachite out of hatred and distrust."

Hearing about Jasper and Lapis' past began to make you feel worried. "Malachite was dragged to the bottom of the ocean where they stayed for months trying to hold the fusion together and trying to hold Jasper at bay-."
"Ok. No more." You interrupted, not want to hear all the bad things Jasper did in the past. "I didn't change your opinion on Jasper did I. I think you two were meant for each other."

"What. No, of course you haven't. I'll still care for her, no matter her past." You said. You obviously loved Jasper and you knew she was now good. "Good. Just be carful (G/n)."

Blegh! I feel like death. I just want it to be Christmas already. This new college life is draining my soul out of my body. THANKS FOR READING

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