new story teaser

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(Y/n) POV

Blue electricity surrounded my body as [TEMPORARILY REDACTED] walked off into the shadows and I saw a bright flash of white before I passed out. When I came to I saw that I was in a completely different place. I'm so killing that robotic bastard when I get my hands on him and tearing his limbs apart.

I studied my surroundings and saw that I'm in a rather dead looking place. Kind of like hell but more barren and depressing than angry. Still, you can never be too careful. I equipped my shotgun with the explosive shot attachment and advanced forward, looking out for any signs of danger.

Before long, I came across a barren looking town and saw an old wooden sign that said 'Welcome to Dirtmouth'. Wierd name for a town but whatever. I kept walking forward into the town until I saw a weird looking creature I'd never seen before, but guessing from his features, he was rather old.

"Ah, hello there", he greeted. "Nice to see another traveller passing through, don't get too many of those, even if you are rather frightening looking". I expected as much. Just the sight of my armor is enough to even make the most powerful beings in existence shit their pants. He seemed no threat so I put away my shotgun. "What might your name be, traveller?" I tried my best to speak but my voice was slightly raspy after not speaking for a thousand years.

"Y/n. And you are?" "My name is Elderbug. Pleasure to meet you, Y/n." We then shook hands. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know what's inside that tent, do you?" I looked behind me and saw a scarlet colored tent that stood out from everything else. How did I not see that until now?

"No, I can't say I do", I replied. "Well do you think you can go see for me? I'd go there myself but I'm not one for adventure and it looks rather suspicious if you ask me. Judging by your looks I'm more than sure you're capable of handling yourself." "Sure thing. I'll be right back." I turned around and went into the tent taking out my shotgun again. My berserk power up was ready so I wasn't worried. It was dead silent inside. I walked down a long hallway and then out of nowhere another strange looking creature, even more so than Elderbug, teleported in front of me...

...And that's the preview! Think you can guess the crossover now? If you want to see the full story as soon as possible, go and show my Titanfall 2 x creepypasta story some love. I'll be releasing the full story once that reaches 10k reads and a second teaser at 8k. I'll see you all over there.

Grimm male reader x fem creepypasta (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon