Chapter Six: Infiltration

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I woke up to Erica's arms still tightly wrapped around me. She was still peacefully sleeping but it was already 8am and we were landing at Malpensa Airport in less than 20 minutes, so I had to wake her.
"Hey, wake up, we're landing soon." I whispered softly.
"What?" She croaked. Then she realized her arms were around me so she shot up and jumped out of bed. Her cheeks turned to a rosy pink. "Sorry. I didn't know I was doing that."

I couldn't help but smile. Erica Hale was embarrassed because she was hugging me in her sleep.

I brushed my teeth and put on my black outfit that Catherine had given me a while back. It was the same as Erica's, equipped with all sorts of tools and gadgets. We joined Mike and Zoe in the lounge area for a quick breakfast and prepared for our landing in a few minutes.

We landed in a private lane and the Hales lead us towards a secret entrance to the underground control room of the airport. I thought I saw suspicious men looking at us while boarding another private jet, but I just shrugged it off. We knew SPYDER's base was hidden near the control room but we didn't know the entrance to it. So we split up in pairs and tried to find anything out of place.

It didn't take long for Erica to spot a suspicious loose brick on the wall. It was near a bunch of valves and pipes. She called everyone over and wiggled the brick. Nothing happened. She tried pulling it, pushing it, twisting it. But nothing happened...

...until we heard a click.

Suddenly the floor was shaking and a narrow hallway appeared from the wall separating into two. It was just enough for one person to go in at a time. "I'll go first, follow behind me," whispered Cyrus.
Catherine, Erica, Me and Mike tailed behind. Zoe stayed at the doorway to alert us if anything goes wrong.

The hallway was pitch black and we were only seeing with our headlights. We thought we had reached a dead end when the ground beneath us suddenly gave way. "Aaaaah!", We shouted in surprise.

We fell down for 2.67 seconds which I calculated was roughly 3 meters. I groaned in pain and luckily the others weren't too hurt. The Hales pulled out their guns just in case anything happens and I pulled out my taser.

There were a bunch of hallways and they lead to several rooms. We heard sounds coming from a distant so we headed that direction. There was a dim light emerging from a small crack in the doorway. As we got closer, we heard people chatting about their lunch and tapping the keys on a keyboard. Cyrus kicked the door open and Catherine pointed her gun towards the three men.

The room was apparently where the hackers got to work in bypassing the airport security network. The three scrawny men flinched every time Erica and Catherine shot them a glance. Cyrus was definitely right about them being useless and weak. They're just typical nerds.

"Shut your programs down and stop all the planes in danger. Now." Cyrus barked at them.

"I-I'm sorry sir, we can do nothing about them. T-They're unstoppable programs made to control the planes on their own.", they said, trembling with fear.

Cyrus and Catherine tried a few of their own programs but to no avail. That's when we heard a voice. But not just any voice. One that made us all tense up in anger and hatred.

It was Joshua Hallal...

Omg guys I got #22 in CIA! Thank you so much for reading!

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