Chapter Three: Death Threat

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...It was Erica. Erica Hale.

Mike and Zoe both choked on their chicken while I was simply at a loss for words. And soon after, all the kids in the mess hall had their attention on us.

Erica, however, acted completely normal, "Hi guys," she said "What's going on? You all look like you just saw a ghost."

Mike and Zoe still haven't recovered from the shock that Erica decided to sit with us. So I jokingly said "We did. And I'm talking to one right now." Erica rolled her eyes and continued eating her salad whilst reading Darwin's Advanced Counter-Espionage 101. She quickly finished her food and got up to throw away some rubbish before going back to her room. I knew Erica wouldn't just suddenly sit with us. So I got suspicious.

...And I was correct. I found the tiniest piece of paper on her seat. I palmed the paper so Mike and Zoe couldn't see it. On the paper wrote "Ben, meet me outside the school at 10pm tonight. Don't be late."

Why does she want to meet me tonight? What did she have to tell me that wasn't okay to be told in front of my friends?

I had many questions, but I knew Erica had a reason. I mean, it is a school full of spies, you never know who might be a mole working for the enemy. So I went back to my room and got some sleep until it was time for our meeting.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I jumped out of bed and threw on a jumper paired with black jeans. I also grabbed a jacket in case it gets cold, and I started towards the gate.

I barely managed to spot Erica hidden perfectly in the shadows. When she saw me approaching, she walked up to me and I saw her eyes shine under the moonlight. Then I saw tears streaming down her face. I instantly tensed up. Erica has never even displayed a sliver of emotion before, and whatever's causing her this much stress, must be a real serious problem.

I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but I was stopped by an extremely surprising hug from Erica. She wrapped her arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I smelled her wonderful scent of lilacs and gunpowder. I blushed. Thank god it was dark so she couldn't see my face.

After a few seconds, she pulled herself together and explained "Grandpa found a bullet in his cup of water on his bedside table. There were the words 'SPYDER is waiting' engraved on the bullet."

I was beyond shocked. Cyrus Hale was an extremely competent spy. Even better than Erica. He would have never let anyone near his things, especially his food and water. And for him to receive a death threat?! That means SPYDER has really got things under their complete control, they even have double agents in the CIA better than Cyrus.

Although I was trembling with fear, I still reassured Erica saying that nothing bad will happen, but honestly I'm not even sure if we'll live to see another day...

That night I was tossing and turning in my sleep, thinking of what will happen to my family and friends if I got killed, how much of life I would miss if I got killed, and most importantly, what I'd do if Erica got killed. I'd lose my everything...

Having a tiny bit of writer's block so I'll try writing tmr.

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