When I got to the last step, I saw mom and dad followed by Stacy standing by it. Dre left earlier today cause he had to go back to practice.

"I'm ready" I looked at Stacy, who nod her head and proceed to walk towards the front door while I was following.

I heard mom scoffed behind me, "You think you will do better by going with your sister?" I heard her but I still walked.

I didn't have time for her. Not today.

"Look Jamal, your last child is finally leaving us. I'm glad she is, there's nothing for her " I stopped in my tracks, taking a deep breath.

"Jennifer hush" I heard dad say to her and I heard her chuckle a little. "Why do I need to?"

"Come on Jo" Stacy softly said, trying to grab my arm but I pulled away from her.

"His? So I'm not your child? What did I ever do to you Mom?" I turned around, towards her. "Or should I call you Jennifer since you don't act like my mother"

Her mouth dropped open when I said Jennifer. "Don't you ever call me by my first name child! I'm not your little friends. Excuse me you don't have any. You never did"

"Why do you hate me so much? Huh?" I asked, feeling tears trying to form.

"Jo don't waste your time come on" Stacy said again but I didn't listen.

"I never knew why you hated me. I would always ask Dad but he never said. But then I had to put the pieces together. I wasn't suppose to be born, I was born by accident." I said feeling tears coming down.

She nod her head, walking towards me. "Yeah that's true, you were born by accident. I never wanted you Jo, I was going to give you up to adoption." I felt a pang in my heart and I felt full tears come down.

She was being serious with me. she was really saying all of this shit and not care if she was hurting my feelings.

"If it wasn't for your father, you would've been in someone else's care. I didn't care about you child, you were just the child I had. Nothing else. I really hope you do good in your pathetic life"

I gasped a little and cried, "After this, don't ever contact me. You're not my mother anymore. You're Jennifer, my birth mother. You're not invited to nothing in my life after this. Dad and everyone else is, but you? No!" I said, turning around from her.

"I'm ready Stace" I started walking towards the front door again. I couldn't believe my momma would ever say that shit to me.

But I knew she was being serious with all of it.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door. When it opened, it was Nash. I chuckled, knowing that Hayes was still sleep. Nash was the early bird.

"Hey Jo. Are you okay?" He asked me and I nod my head cause I knew he was talking about what happened last night.

"Yes, I'm fine. What about Miss. Elizabeth?"

"Oh she's okay. She just wanted the best for you" I smiled, "I'm staying with my sister, until I can get on my feet and get a place on my own." He nod his head and smiled.

"Stacy still does fashion?" He asked and I nod my head. "Well tell her I'll cash app her $50" I arched an eyebrow.

"Forrrr?...." I dragged out and he laughed a little.

"When we use to date, we made a bet."

"About what?" I asked and he chuckled, waving me off. "Nothing"

"Is Hayes up?" I asked him and he nod his head, "You want to come in?"

"No, I've got to go in a few. I have to make this quick" He nod his head and walked away from the front door.

This was it. I was really going to tell Hayes how I really felt about him, and where we stand. I know he's going to be heartbroken but I'm emotionally broken.

He came towards the door and smiled. "Hey Jo" He smiled and I smiled back.


"Are you good?" He asked, and I nod my head. "If you're talking about from last night then yeah I'm okay"

"I heard from the door. Is it true?" He asked with sadness in his eyes, if that was possible. I sighed, nodding my head.

"Yeah I'm actually leaving and staying with my sister, in Seattle" I saw the way he looked at me.

"And I love you sooo much. But I think it would be best for us to be best friends again. You have a perfect life with your family, friends and Girlfriend. I would be in the way of that and I don't want to be." He was wiping my face because I was crying.

I chuckled. "I didn't even noticed that I was crying" I wiped the rest of them away. "I love you, and I want the best for you"

I saw that he had a tear slip from his eye and I chuckled, wiping it away. "Heyyy, don't cry cause I'm crying" I chuckled.

I was about to speak again but he just gave me a peck on my lips. "Jo, don't give up on us... I'd like to see us date in the future" He smiled, "But for right now, we can be Best friends. As much as it hurts, I respect your choice and I'm glad you're doing what's best for you"

I smiled, hugging him. We waddled side to side for a good while before I heard my sister blow the horn.

I pulled away seeing that he was smiling. "But what did My sister and Nash bet on?" I asked cause Nash tells him everything.

He thought about it, but then he laughed a little. "Stacy will have to tell you"

I nod my head and we hugged once more before I left. When I got in my sisters Jeep, I look to see that he waved and I waved back at him. We started to drive away and I sighed, looking out the window.

"How was it?" Stacy asked me and I just shrugged,

"I didn't want to hurt him but, I know he'll forget about me and what he said. Did you see his girlfriend at the party?" I turned towards her and she chuckled.

"Jo she's pretty, but she's not you" I chuckled at her. "I'm ready to start a life in Seattle" She smiled.

"Oh Nash said he'll cash app you $50 for a bet you two made when you guys dated. What was it about?" She chuckled a little.

"Oh it was about you and Hayes. He bet that you and Hayes would never have sex, but I told him you two would've"

"Oh wowwwww" I said, a little mad at them. They really bet on us? Now that I think about it, Hayes even laughed a little. Maybe cause Hayes knew that we would've never had sex or feel the way we do now.

When we board the plane, I looked out the window to see that we were lifting off to go to Seattle. I was actually glad I was finding my way to a better life. I smiled a little and closed my eyes.

Better days are coming

A/N:THAT IS IT‼️ I know you guys are probably mad at me🤣🤣🤣

I love you guys❤️❤️

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