Chapter 6

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   We all backed away from the 0-8-4. Simmons and Skye went to the lab, Ward and Fitz began to argue, May went to the cockpit, and I went to talk to Phil.
   "Hey! I could call Banner. Ask for his, Selvig's, and Stark's notes on the Tesseract and gamma radiation."
   "That'd be great."
   I head off to the lab, already calling Bruce.
   "Hey, Green-bean!"
"Hey, Al. You need something?"
   "Yes, actually. Can you send me yours, Selvig's and Stark's notes on gamma radiation and the Tesseract?"
"On it. Why, may I ask?"
   "We encountered a similar device, but that's all I can say."
"All right, you should have him. Talk to you soon."
   "See ya. Cyleste, end call," I ended the call, walking into the lab. "Hey, I haven't synced Cyleste into this lab, yet." Simmons and Skye look at me, confused. "Yo, Cyleste!"
"Yes, miss?"
   "Hook up to the holotable in here."
"All over it."
   "Thanking' ya!"
   "I swear to god! I never should have let you meet JARVIS. Anyway, pull up the notes on gamma radiation and the Tesseract."
   "What's this?" Skye asked.
   "I called up Green-bean and asked him for these. They're notes on gamma radiation and the Tesseract."
   "Who?" Simmons asked.
   "Bruce Banner."
   "THE Bruce Banner! He's like, THE genius, and you just called him up!"
   I shrug in response. "Kicking alien-ass with people really develops a strong bond."
"Do you bring that up in every conversation?" Skye asked.
"Almost. It's an extremely cool story to tell."
"Yeah, but you talk about it all the time."
"You would too. Anyway, Fitz said it was similar to the Tesseract, so I got Selvig's notes. Plus, Green-bean's and robocop's."
"Do you have to use your nicknames for everyone?" Simmons asked, annoyed.
"Yes. Anyway, according to these, the Tesseract was acting up, but nothing bad ever happened until the night Loki came. As long as we don't do anything to-"
"I did very well explain in the queen's bloody English!" Fitz yelled at Ward.
"I use normal words, like dog, cat, might blow us to pieces!" Ward said back.
"Oh, congratulations Agent Ward! You managed to scream three words in a sentence!"
"Do we have a problem here?" Phil walked in.
"No sir," Ward said. "Just having some problems with communication. Not all of us were prepared for gunfire."
"We got out, saved a few of theirs, I'd say we did okay."
"Okay, can I just say something?" Skye interrupted. "Because, I've been feeling the tag-along rookie, and I'm getting the sense that Ward doesn't know which one's Fitz and which one's Simmons, I'm not needed here, and Alaine makes a sarcastic comment about everything, when really, I've been here just as long as you. I might as well be team captain." Simmons scoffed. "That was a joke, but maybe that's not such a bad idea, seeing as they don't seem to like each other very much."
"You're right. We still need to iron out a few kinks, but Ward, you speak six languages; Simmons, you have two phds in fields I can't even pronounce; Fitz, you are a rocket scientist; Alaine, you're a genius, so get it done."
"Hey! I'm good at stuff, too!" Skye called out after him. "Right, Imma go play on my phone."

Fitz, Simmons, and I had been working in the lab for a while, trying to find out more about the 0-8-4, when three guys came down and captured us. I phased through them, but they used knock out gas to take me out while they held Fitz and Simmons.
I woke up tied to the cargo hold of the plane, but I was unable to phase through the ropes.
"This wouldn't have happened if May hadn't been on the stick," Skye said.
"No, no, no," Fitz stated. "She transferred from administration."
"Well I've seen her destroy a guy, so..."
Ward sighed. "Have you ever heard of the Cavalry?"
"Yeah," Fitz responded. "Everyone at the academy talks about..." He and Simmons realized at the same time.
"She's the Cavalry!"
"I told you never to call me that," May said as she woke up.
"Oh!" Simmons exclaimed. "We are definitely getting out of here now! How do we get out of here?"
"The bolts are tied to the pressurization."
"Why doesn't Alaine just phase through the ropes?" Skye pointed out.
"Right, cause I hadn't thought of that," I said sarcastically. "The pressurization in the room keeps me from using my phasing powers, but I can still use my force fields," I finish as a force field cuts through the ropes around my wrists, and May cracks her wrist to get out of her ropes.
She walks up the stairs silently and takes down both guards. "What's next?"
We stood in a circle, getting ready to use a dwarf and the 0-8-4 to blow a hole in the plane.
"I'll go up first and block the hole the second the doors open. Do not hesitate. Because if we hesitate," I start.
"We all die," Simmons finishes.

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