Chapter 4

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"Michael Peterson," Phil started. "Good guy. Bad breaks. Factory accident. Loses job. Wife jumps ships. Best guess is: somebody tells him they can make him strong again. Make him super."
"Who has the technology to do that?" May asks. "And why?"
   "What do you have from the surveillance?"
   Fitz played the video right before the blast. It was hard to make out what was happening.
   "What are we seeing here?" May asked.
   "Well, the man is angry at the other man," Fitz said.
   "The data is very corrupt," Simmons defended her friend.
   "Like Cold War Russia corrupt."
   "I can't sync the time code without the-"
   "What if you had the audio?" Skye interrupted. "I had my shotgun mic out. There's too much background noise for me, but you-"
   "You could clean that up, right?" Simmons asked, and they started the mutter to each other about how helpful the audio would be. "Yeah that audio would be great."
   "We have your van here," Phil starts. "But you were right. We couldn't decrypt the hard drive."
   "The hard drive is coupled to the gps," Skye explained. "Get me back in that alley, and we're in business."
   "Agent May will escort you."

   "Files should be coming in in three, two, one," Skye said over coms as she sent the files through.
   "Got 'em," Fitz stated. "Hey, when you get back, I'll show you my thing. Eh, my hardware- My equipment ugh!" He grunted in frustration, then muttered. "Just hang up."
   A few minutes passed, and we were gathered in the cargo hold as Fitz put up a 3d holographic model of the lab, and after slowing the pace, we realized the man was the bomb, and Mike was going to explode.
   Then, Phil got a call from May while Fitz, Simmons, and I were working on a cure. The computer Fitz was working at started acting up.
   "What are you doing?" Simmons asked. "You're making nonsense. Stop making nonsense!"
   "I don't know-"
   "That looks like longitude and latitude," I state.
   Phil walked in. "Mike took Skye. She's telling us where. We need to get to them."
   We got into the car, and we drove to the train station.
   When we got there, May was just getting out of a police car, and Phil gave Ward a gun.
   "Only take the shot if you have to, Ward. Ward!"
   "If I have to, got it," He said, walking into the building.
   "I'll find him," I say to Phil, changing my density, so I can phase through people.
   Eventually, I see Skye kick a man in the area and yell, "You're right! He is a little bitch!" She then grabs Mike's son, Ace, and runs away.
Then, Ward walks up behind him and grabs him in a choke hold. He says, "Listen, the stuff inside you is unstable. It'll blow up you and everyone in a 2 block radius."
"Who's gonna miss us?" He responds, throwing Ward off him.
He runs up to the top, overlooking the whole station filled with people fleeing the building.
"I thought you told them to hold fire," Phil said.
"I think we have a third party," May responded, starting to fight Mike. She ended up knocking him over the railing.
When Mike landed, Phil took a step forward and put down his gun.
"You think that means anything?" Mike yelled. "All over, you've got people ready to put me down! I know how this plays out!"
"I don't," Phil stated.
"All over! There's people being pushed down! Being robbed! One of them tries to stand up! You gotta make an example out of him! You said it was enough to be a man, but there's better than men! There are gods, and what're we? They're giants! We're what they step on!"
"I've seen giants. Up close, and it cost me, nearly everything."
"You think I could, you know, be a hero?"
"I'm counting on it."
Mike was hit in the head with a bullet, and his veins turned an electric blue color. We looked up at Ward, who held the night-night gun, and back at Simmons, who checked his vitals. She looked up, smiling, and I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

We sat in the driveway of Ace's Aunt's house. I had gone with Skye and Phil to drop him off, and Skye was just coming back to the car. I sat in the middle seat of the back and had already tried kicking my feet up on the center console. It lasted five seconds before Phil pushed them down. Skye got in the front seat, and Phil started talking to her.
"So, have you thought about the offer?"
"What?" She asked. "Catching a ride on the crazy plane? I'm not exactly a team player."
"We're not exactly a team, but we're in a position to do some good." The phone started ringing.
"Sir, we've got an 0-8-4." Wards voice came through.
"Is that confirmed?" Phil asked.
"They want us to go in and confirm it." Phil hung up the phone.
"What's an 0-8-4?" Skye asked.
"You've got exactly 10 minutes to decide if you wanna know," Phil replies, smirking.
"There's no way we can get to the airfield in ten... minutes..." She trailed off as Lola began to lift from the ground.
"The tide is rising."
"And we're leaving Ron Weasley style," I remark as we fly to the airfield.

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