Chapter 5

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   Phil, Ward, May, and I stood around in the debriefing room.
   "We've already got two kids who aren't cleared for combat on this bus, and you're adding a third," May argued against adding Skye to the team.
   "At least Fitz-Simmons are trained SHIELD scientists," Ward added. "She hacked our files-"
   "From a laptop," Phil cuts him off. "Imagine what she could do with our resources."
   "I am. That's exactly what I'm imagining during this frown. I just don't see how letting some hacker tag along is a good idea. She doesn't think like us."
   "Sometimes you need to get an outsiders point of view," I point out.
   "Exactly," Phil points at me.
   "I just don't see how letting some hacker tag along is a good idea," Ward adds.
   "I'm calling this, but your frown will be on record."
   I walk out into the halls of the bus to see Fitz-Simmons showing Skye around.
   "Right," Skye states. "I've actually been here before, just didn't see much because of the bag put over my head."
   "Sorry about that," I say, walking over to them. "It's standard procedure."
   "Water," Simmons offers to Skye, who takes it.
   "Wheels up in five, lock it or lose it," May says, going straight back to the cockpit.
   "What does that mean?" Skye asks, confused.
   "No backing out now!" Simmons replied, excited. "Let's go find your bunk!"
   "There's only one left," I said. "It's right next to mine."

   We stood around the table of the command room.
   "We've been told to investigate an 0-8-4. We all know what that means," Ward told us.
   "Right," Phil answered. "It means: we don't know what that means."
   We all headed in different directions. May to the cockpit, Ward to his bunk, Fitz-Simmons to the lab, and Skye, Phil, and me to the common area.
   "So, you ready?" Phil asked Skye.
   "Ready?" She asked. "I don't even know where we're going."
   "Peru," I told her. "It's where the 0-8-4 is."
   "And an 0-8-4 is?"
   "An object of unknown origin," Phil explained. "Kind of like you. Last one turned out to be pretty interesting."
   "What was it?"
   "A hammer," He responded, standing up.
   "Clint told me about that mission," I told Skye. "I had a mission of my own."
   "And what would that be?" She asked me.
   "I was undercover as Nat's daughter in Stark Industries."
   "Nat? As in the Black Widow? And Clint? As in Hawkeye?"
   "I told you I knew them, and anyways, they're all total dorks."
   "The Avengers?"
   "Yeah. Steve knows zilch about the 21st century, Thor is even worse, if possible, Tony is always making snide remarks, and Clint is literally always in the vents. Nat and Bruce are the only nice ones," I explained. "Well, I better go call them because if they have to call me I'm in trouble. See ya."
   I get back to my bunk and have Cyleste call the tower. They instantly pick up, and I have Cyleste put them on hologram.
"Hey dorks, Nat, and Bruce." Nat and Bruce smile while the rest look offended.
"Uh, I think you're forgetting someone," Tony says.
"Oh, is Pepper there?" He rolls his eyes.
"Anyway, is what I've heard true? Have you really gotten another team?"
"I need to be around more than two people with brain cells for once."
"How rude."
"Whatever, Robocop."
"Just promise me you'll stop by if you're in New York!" Nat says. "I can't handle these guys alone."
"I will." Someone knocks on the door. "Yeah?" Skye comes in.
"We just landed."
"Well, duty calls. I'll talk to you later."
"Bye!" They all yell as I end the call.

We had just arrived in Peru, and I was looking at the 0-8-4 in the temple. The Professor had left, and Ward had just asked for help with the local police over coms.
"I'll be back," I said to Fitz-Simmons.
"Hello, my name is Agent Phil Coulson of SHIELD," Phil announced to them. I made a small force field with my hands.
"Philip?" The commander said.
"Camilla?" Guess they knew each other. "Do you mind?"
"After you."
"Stand down." The force field in my hands disappears.
"Stand down! And now, for p a proper hello." She kisses him on each cheek. "You look good."
"Thanks, I work out."
I scoff. "No you don't." He rolls his eyes, and Camilla laughs as I head back into the temple. "Local police."
"What are they doing here?" Fitz whines.
I shrug. "They probably heard about the 0-8-4." Then, we hear gun shots. "Rebels," I mutter. "Let's go!" I grip the 0-8-4 and pull it out of the wall.
"Woah, woah, woah! You did not just pull that out of the wall!" He begins to pack up the dwarves with Simmons, refusing Skye's help.
"Didn't really have a choice. We have to get out of here. I'll cover you."
We walk out of the temple, and I'm just about to block the bullets with a force field, when May drives up, Ward already in the car. "Get in." We all squish into the back seat.
I hold the 0-8-4 in my lap. "The power is acting up," Fitz states. "We have to open a window."
"Yeah, no," I say as bullets are fired at us.
It doesn't take long for us to arrive back at base. "Where's Coulson?" Skye asks. Ward goes to close the ramp. "No! We need to wait for Coulson." He sighs and backs away.
Then, a car pulls up with Phil and Camilla. More police follow onto the plain, firing back at the rebels.
When the ramp closed, Camilla went to her men and the rest of us sat in a circle around the 0-8-4.
"What is this thing?" Ward asked.
"Like I said," Fitz started. "It has a fluctuating power source-"
"Fitz! English!"
"Captain America! World War II! The Tesseract! The 0-8-4 is displaying lethal amounts of gamma radiation!"
"Gamma? So you're saying it's nuclear?"
"No," Phil corrected. "He's saying it's much much worse."

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