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@siriusly.james.ii has started a chat with @wondering_alice

@siriusly.james.ii has changed his name to James II

@siriusly.james.ii has changed @wondering_alice name to Alice

James: Alice, can we talk about something?

Alice: Sure. Whatsup?

James: You know Lily is my little sister and despite everything, I really love her, right?

Alice: Yeah...

Alice: Why?

James: I know you support Rose being together with Scorpius but can you stop throwing shade at Lily for being hurt that Scorpius choose Rose over Lily?

James: I know Lily acts like it doesn't affect her when you bring it up but it's getting out of hand

Alice: Oh come on! I'm just supporting my friend! And I don't think Lily minds

James: Maybe she doesn't mind but me and Albus do! Can you stop provoking her?

Alice: Oh so now I'm provoking her?

James: Yes! Lily has already said she wants to leave the past in the past and move on but every time she try to do so, you keep saying things that provoke her

Alice: No! Don't put this on me! I wanted to move on but your little sister keep provoking me! 

Alice: Every time I comment on something she goes, "please stop or I will block you"

Alice: As if I'll say something weird

James: That's because you have a recorder of shipping people together and then pressuring them to be together

Alice: I do? When? Fucking when?

James: All the fucking time! 

James: With Lily and Scorpius 

James: And then with Scorpius and Rose

James: There was one point you even talk Lily to confess her love for Teddy to Victoria, almost ruining their relationship

James: In case you don't know, Victoria and Lily are still fucking awkward after that whole shit show

Alice: Okay, so I did gave her a little talk but I didn't make her do anything. It's not my fault she couldn't read the situation and try to put herself in other people relationship

James: No, you didn't make her do anything. But when she felt like she had no one to talk to about her feeling she went to you and trusted you to give her the right advice

Alice: So what's your point?

James: I just want you to stop doing what you're doing with Lily!

James: If you don't like Lily then don't talk to her or comment on her life. I love you and I am seriously thinking about living the rest of my life with you but if you can't stop this childish fight with my sister, eventually I'll have to pick a side

James: And this time, I won't make the same mistake as before 

Alice: What...?

James: I love you but love doesn't mean everything!

James: Love isn't everything! 

James: I love you but I also love my sister

James: I can't... no I won't stand by and watching my girlfriend ruin my sister's life

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