s e v e n t y t w o (Bella)

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@princess.bella Last breakfast out before Hogwarts. Thanks for everything @seo.johnny 

@lily.the.flower @seo.johnny @moll.mall @math_ew 

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@seo.johnny It's nothing

@princess.bella I mean as long as @lily.the.flower is happy right?

@seo.johnny Yeah, we should do something memorial for the last summer you two spend before Hogwarts 

@princess.bella For the two of us huh? Sure

@lily.the.flower Yeah, thank you for the breakfast but next time I'm paying

@seo.johnny You can pay when you start making money

@cat.leung Wow~ Can't believe I wasn't even invited

@lily.the.flower In my defense, I mention it and you said you were busy

@cat.leung Okay, you got me

@roses_are_red @lily.the.flower Where is this? It looks beautiful 

@lily.the.flower I actually don't know. But the food is really good.

@scor_pi_us We should go here and eat sometime @roses_are_red

@wondering_alice I agree. You guys make the cutest couple ever. I'm so glad you're together

@princess.bella @wondering_alice I don't know why you're talking nonsense 

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