e i g h t (Frank)

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@franky.stein Goodbye Hogwarts. I will carry you in my memory as I move onto a new part of my life. GOT ACCEPTED AS INTERN HEALER AT ST. MUNGO'S 🥂🎊🎉

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@wondering_alice OMG I'm so proud of you!!! Did you tell mom and dad yet?

@franky.stein No, not just yet. I want it to be a surprise for them

@sirirusly.james.ii This is more the reason to celebrate!!! HIDEOUT PARTY TONIGHT!!! You better be there

@franky.stein Won't miss it for the world

@fred_forever It's GONNA BE LIT 🎇🎇🎇🎇

@teddy.the.bear Oh boi 😫

@al.potter Don't be like that Teddy. You always end up too drunk to remember anything anyway

@vicky.secret Remember that one time when you propose to me drunk, James? @siriusly.james.ii

@dom_i_nate And remember how you went crying to Teddy after you got rejected? @siriusly.james.ii

@siriusly.james.ii ... Just don't forget to come to the party

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