f o u r (Teddy)

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@teddy.the.bear Eating dinner with ma mama bear


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@lorcan.scam I thought Victoire said you were cooking dinner, how come it looks like ya went to eat a restaurant?

@fred_forever Exposed!!!!

@al.potter You forgot the last time Teddy tried to cook, he almost blew up the house?  @siriusly.james.ii @lily.the.flower You guys remember that?

@siriusly.james.ii How can I ever forget? I almost got set on fire.

@roses_are_red Did he blew up the house or set someone on fire this time? @vicky.secret 

@vicky.secret Luckily I stopped him before he blew up the flat

@dom_i_nate Fortunately I didn't come over today.

@teddy.the.bear It was one time. Can you not bring it up like all the time? Thank you

@lou.the.great One time he said, one time. The last time you try to cook for my sister at my flat, you almost set off the fire alarm. Who knew you can burn even water

@siriusly.james.ii Harsh~

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