f i f t y f i v e (Lily)

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@lily.the.flower Thank you for showing me around while the other ditch me 😭😭😭😭😭😭


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@cat.leung I totally did not ditch you!

@an.drew Katie, you did

@illumi_nate Yes, you did 

@la_la_liam In my defense, Johnny said he would be going to show you around anyway

@seo.johnny Hey! I made those!!

@lily.the.flower It's a shame you're not a chef... or a model 😉

@cat.leung I tried to convenience him

@seo.johnny I enjoy chasing bad guys better

@lily.the.flower How about bad girls?

@lily.the.flower I seriously can't believe I just typed that

@cat.leung LMAO 😂😂😂 When flirting fails

@seo.johnny I don't think you're a bad girl but I don't mind chasing you either 

@illumi_nate Eyyy~ Mate back off

@siriusly.james.ii I agree. Back off my sister mate

@teddy.the.bear Wait aren't you that auror...?

@an.drew Yes I am 

@cat.leung Pretty sure he was asking Johnny

@vicky.secret That is so cute. How did you even get that picture?

@lily.the.flower He took my phone while I was distracted and snapped the picture

@seo.johnny To be fair, you were taking too long and I was hungry

@lily.the.flower ...

@wondering_alice That is the cutest thing ever

@lily.the.flower @wondering_alice Please stop before I block you

@princess.bella LMAO 

@princess.bella Look like she found her new target

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