t h i r t y n i n e (Lorcan)

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@lorcan.scam She can't stop the car but that doesn't mean she'll stop with the pictures

@dom_i_nate @moll.mall @lucky.lucy

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@dom_i_nate Hey, I just promise to stop the car

@lucky.lucy Plus, it was fun taking that picture

@princess.bella When did Lucy switch car? 

@fred_forever They caught up with us at the gas station and @siriusly.james.ii accidentally left her behind

@roses_are_red What the actual fuck?

@lily.the.flower I get forgetting your passport or your wallet but how do you forget a whole person?

@lucky.lucy My question actually

@rox_star @siriusly.james.ii Well, what do you have to say for yourself?

@siriusly.james.ii Nothing, I have nothing to say for myself. I am guilty. 

@siriusly.james.ii Oh, and welcome back @lily.the.flower

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