°Thy Wolf Name°

Start from the beginning

Before I knew it Scorn had picked me up again as he walked through the gates and I watched closely as they closed behind us with a slight clash of metal as it locked again.


Scorn walked up to a mansion

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Scorn walked up to a mansion. One you'd have thought had been built in the 1920s it was made of brick with a vintage feel. There wasn't much but wild flowers near the walk way. He walked up to the front wooden Mahogany double doors opening them. Something I had noticed...the glass doorknobs. That's how I had known it was made in the 1920s...they don't make those anymore.

I watched as my mate walked inside with me in his arms. Honestly I had never felt as comfortable with anyone else as I am with him. But then again, I don't ever remember a time being comfortable with others.

Fucking traitor wolf...

Scorn walked into the next room laying me down on a light brown manor wood trim sofa. In what appeared to be the living room.

The floor was completely wood and polished. The windows were wood too, unpainted. Everything seemed elegant the light from the sunrise beamed in through the windows illuminating the white lace drapes covering them.

I inhaled slowly. The room smelt like pine, cinnamon, and a bit of vanilla...or was it butterscotch?


I looked at Scorn as he seemed to be lost in thought looking through one of the windows.

"Why've you been so silent?"

He looked at me. "Hm?" Is all he said in reply.

"You heard me." I muttered irritated.

He chuckled softly. "Indeed, I did." Scorn turned to me smiling.
"But what fun would there be if I had answered you right away?"

I glared at him and stood up. "So you wouldn't mind if I 'wondered' off." I half threatened.

He gave me a serious look before striding over to me, pinning me down on the sofa making me very aware of my nudity.

"I'd rather you not, just like testing me wouldn't be a good idea yet as well, little luna. I won't mark you but there are many more things than that...that I could do to you." He whispered in my ear, making my heart race, and my eyes widen as he smirked unpinning me then walked off.

The hell just happened?! I asked myself before growling at myself. I ain't weak, yet I feel so with him. Maybe it's because he's an Alpha.

I got up and went exploring only getting back to the living room by noon. I had explored the whole mansion. I hadn't had any luck finding where Scorn walked off to however.

Most of the doors upstairs were locked except a girly room which I assumed was mine since the only scent in it, was his. So I may have gone rummaging around for clothes only to find an oversized t-shirt and bed pants that were a bit tight, but they'd have to do.

Sitting down on the sofa I heard a knock on the front door just before a kid walked in. I watched warily and confused. He stood at the door then froze probably having smelt my scent. The kid looked at me bewildered but didn't say anything holding a bag in his hand.

..."Can I help you?" I asked looking at him suspiciously before standing up and walking over the kid who was seemed to recoil a bit. I stopped around a foot away from the skiddish pup infront of me.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." I whispered hoping not to scare him.

He looked at me for a moment then nodded to me before holding out his hand extending the bag. "S-sorry, Luna" he said looking down slightly. "I was told to bring these here unexpectedly. I didn't expect to meet you so soon nor would the rest of the pack."

"I would probably be the same, coming from a small pack myself. Not being used to my promotion to a Luna position." I responded still whispering.

He smiled nodding. "Well I should get back home...I think the clothes in the bag are for you". He said gesturing towards the bag not making eye contact which presumably was due to having authority. The kid turned and left swiftly leaving me with the bag in hand.

"Great...first day here and pack members already seem scared of me." I muttered. Go figure...

I sighed and looked into the bag which had a couple t-shirts, shorts, and two pairs of leggings not mentioning undergarments.

I blushed but stayed silent walking upstairs heading to my room then walked in. I put the clothes away in drawers in the dresser near the bed. I was nearly finished, putting the panties away, as I heard a chuckle making me blush dark red as my face heated up.

Looking up towards the doorway I spotted Scorn leaning against the doorframe. "Like the clothes?" He seemed to tease. "I asked some of your close pack members about your sizes not wanting to intrude or have you hit me."

All color drained from my face. "You what?!" Nearly yelling, I stood up. "Why would you do that?" My body shook slightly as my wolf sensed my agression towards our mate.

He smirked walking over to me and lifted my chin looking into my slightly multi-colored eyes as his eyes shifted from a dark honey brown to an even darker brown nearly black.

"You heard me, sweet cheeks." He whispered gently wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me close. "I asked your pack leaders for any family or close pack members you might have then simply asked them for your information."

"They answered without hesitation and now you aren't naked." He stated while kissing my nose. I blushed looking away. "Fine...but next time. Just ask, please. Asking other people for my clothing sizes is embarrassing."

He smiled before replying. "Great makes it easier just don't go to hit me if I ask anything...personal."

I blushed crimson red my face burning from embarrassment. "Alright." Looking back to him I moved to step outta his grasp causing him to pull me closer. I looked at him bewildered about to push him away when he kissed me.

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