Levi x Single Mom Reader: The Perfect Man

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I had just left my abusive boyfriend's home with my son Mason in my arms. We had just taken a beating and this time instead of being so helpless I fought back and stabbed him in the gut. I had blood all over my hands and a scared little boy clinging to me for dear life. I run into the alleyway far away from the house. Mason was only 4, he should have never had to deal with that. I stop to take a breath and set Mason down. "Mommy... are we away from the bad man?" he asks as tears still streamed down his face.

"Yes sweetie, that bad man will never find us again," I say as I bring him into my arms. He started sniffling a bit but hugged me back instantly.

"We are going to find a place, for just you and me. How does that sound?" I ask as I pull back.

"Okay," he answers with a big smile on his face. I wipe the tears from his face and pick him up again. I felt like a bad mother after he had to experience being abused but there was no one I could contact to help us, I was threatened on a daily basis by that man but when he hit my son I knew I had to get out. That man was the father of my son and still treated us like garbage. I didn't understand how people could be so damn cruel.

I walk to the main road where it was all markets. There were guards around which could be bad. I keep my face hidden and my son as we walked through the endless crowd of commoners. "Oi, you there woman." I hear a deep voice say.

Now I knew I had to run. "Mommy is going to start running now, hang on tight," I whisper. I bolt away from the man pushing my way through the crowd into another alleyway.

"Miss wait!" I hear the man call. I look back only for a minute.

"Mom it's a dead end." my son says. Dammit. I turn and see the man closing in. He was rather tall but still intimidating. I back up until I hit the wall. The blonde man was like a tower compared to me. He had very bushy brows but it portions out with his face. I guess.

He was out of breath when he came up. "I'm not going to hurt you... I was just seeing if you were okay, you have blood all over you," he says. Then his eyes widen in realization that the blood was not mine entirely. He saw my bruised face and seemed even more shocked. But then he saw my son who had a black eye and cut lip.

"What the hell happened ma'am?" he asks.

"I-... My son and I... we were attacked... by my boyfriend and I..., I used self-defense." I say nervously. He was part of the Scout Regiment.

"Here," he says as he wraps his cloak around my shoulders.

"I'll take you to the headquarters, and we'll find something for you," he says with a sincere smile on his face. He placed his hand on my back and led me back out to the market where he got me on his horse. I kept my son close fearing he could fall off.

"Where are we going mom?" he asks.

"Someplace safe... like I said," I whisper as I kiss his forehead. The man rode off through the town. As we rode the people and buildings became less frequent. The man slowed down as we passed through the next town.

"Sir, by any chance would you tell me your name?" I ask as I look back at him.

"Erwin... Erwin Smith... and yours?" he asks.

"(Y/N), and this is my son, Mason," I answer.

I look back to see he had a sincere smile on his face. It was a long ride but worth it considering that we were now really far from home. Erwin stopped abruptly. "Welcome to the Scout Regiment headquarters," he says as he gets off the horse. I hand him Mason who started playing with his hair. I get off the horse.

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