Levi x Baby Reader: There When I Needed You Most

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Whipping through the trees I had found that I was separated from my squad. This isn't good, especially not in titan territory. Kicking the sides of my horse it galloped through the forest. I had been running around killing titans, I was slowly losing gas from using my odm gear.

Pulling the reins I could have sworn I heard something in the distance. Calming the horse I listen closely. Crying it was faint but still heard. Turning my horse I slowly made my way through the forest. It sounded like a baby.

Looking down at the ground I made sure the horse wouldn't step on, what I assumed was a child. Stopping I decide to hop off the horse. If I see a titan I'll just use my odm gear and hide up in a tree.

Now, on foot, I climb through the woods keeping an eye out for titans. The sound of cries grew louder as I got closer, checking the ground there was a large log blocking me from whatever had been hiding behind it. Jumping over I land on the other side.

There I saw a sight I didn't want to see. A baby lying next to its dead mother whose upper half had been crushed by the tree. Titans must have knocked it down. Slowly approaching I check the child to see if it was alive.

Suddenly a loud cry escaped from their mouth. Letting out loud shrieks I kneel down quickly trying to hush them. Picking up the baby I held it up in my arms keeping it at a fair distance due to its horrid stench. They must have shit themselves.... Wouldn't blame em. Looking around I find that the coat was still clear. Okay just change it into something clean then get out of here.

Kneeling on the ground I unwrap the baby, a baby girl to be exact. Taking the disgusting cloth off the baby I tossed it elsewhere and cleaned her. Well, this is a shitty situation. Looking around I find more cloth next to the mother.

She must have packed before running. Hesitant to put the contaminated cloth on the baby I did what I had to do. Wrapping it around her lower half I had somewhat successfully changed the baby.

Picking up the baby I held her in my arms tightly before pulling the trigger. Hoisted into the air I landed on the other side. As I made my way to my horse I heard loud crashes erupt from behind me. Turning around I look around, behind the tree I could see a titan wandering.

Quickly pulling the trigger again I was hoisted in the air with the baby landing on a large branch. Looking down I watched the titan make it's way over to the fallen tree. This isn't good.

Holding the baby tightly I knew I couldn't fight with a baby in my arms without losing her. I'll have to stay and wait it out, hopefully, my horse will do the-. Looking down where my horse should have been I find it had made its escape.

Shit... I don't have enough gas to travel back to headquarters. Taking a deep breathe I lean back on the trunk of the tree, sliding down I plop down with the baby in my arms as we sat there waiting for the titan to move on.

Looking down at the baby she was peaceful and staring up at me with her big beady blue eyes. Sucking on her fingers she seemed almost fascinated to see me. Tossing her hands up in the air her little lips tugged into a smile showing off her growing in teeth. This kid is lucky to be alive.

Making little whiny sounds she kept her hands up as if she wanted something. With my free hand, I watch as she takes them into hers, wrapping her tiny hands around my pointer finger. Pulling my finger she brought them to her mouth and started nibbling on my finger. Slightly disgusted I glare down at her. Gross. It was gross but oddly cute.

Little hiccups of laughter escaped her lips as her hands squeezed my fingers tightly, again she attempted to shove my finger into her mouth but luckily I rip my hand away. Boy, did I regret that as soon as my finger slipped out of her hands she began sniffling sadly. Gulping nervously I felt my heartache feeling bad for making her cry. Shit, what do I do? I don't want her eating my finger again.

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