Chapter 1--After The Confession

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~Percy's POV~

Not my type?! I'm anyone's type that's for sure!

"Alright, what just happened?" I said to Annabeth.

"Nico just came out of the closest that's what! I'm proud of the kid." She replied

"Proud?! I'm freaked out! This underworld kid better NOT be hanging around me anytime soon. You should care since you're mine Wise Girl"

Annabeth scowled, "Relax, why would I be jealous? He already said that he doesn't like you anymore. Look," she tilted her head towards Nico and Will. "Maybe they are together. You never know"

"I'll find out." And I walked away.

As I made my way back to my cabin, I've been thinking. How long exactly has he liked me? He apparently told a few other people before me. Why would he like me? Well, the real question is, why would he like guys?! Am I homophobic? No, I'm just shocked, right?

I thought I would have some peace with Annabeth and ONLY Annabeth after Gaea, but NO. That creepy kid had to ruin it all!

Then again Annabeth might be right, maybe I'm just overreacting. He did say that he is not my type. I don't even know anymore! How could anyone not be MY type! "Stop it Percy, don't act like Clarisse." I told myself. Little did I know I spoke aloud. Classic me.

Apparently Clarisse was right behind me.

"What'd say Perseus?"

"None if your business Clarisse." I glared at her. I hate that girl so much! I still feel bad about the whole Selena incident, but I'm really pissed off right now. I'm not sure why I'm mad anyway. Gay is okay, right?

"It is certainly my business if you said my name."

I scowled at her. "Can you do me a favor Clarisse?" I asked as nice as possible. Clarisse was about to open her mouth to say something but I interrupted her.

"Great, will you get out of my face!" I exclaimed. Clarisse stood there in shock until she rolled her eyes and looked away.

"What happened to happy Percy, huh? Making jokes all the time, sometimes being more stupid than Leo..." Her voice trailed off. The subject off Leo always got everyone quiet. But right now, that is not the problem.


~Nico's POV~

I did it! That's right! The Hades boy told him! Is this the feeling of happiness?

As I made my way back to Will I smiled. And just to let you know, I barely smile, but it's Will...

"What's that all about?" Will asked as he glanced over at Percy and Annabeth. They were looking at Will, and Percy seemed pissed. Great, this is going off to a good start.

"I have to tell you something Will." I pleaded. Yes, I did that creepy look that people do when they want something. Like, tilting there head down and bringing you are up into their eyes. Imagine how creepy that is on me. Humph, let me add this to my "100 things that are creepy about Nico" list.

Will gulped, "Okay, I-uh lets go."

I sat down on the infirmary bed, where I have to be for the next three days. Yay! I rolled my eyes at the thought of it. Will stood there completely clueless on what's going to happen.

"Take a seat." I demanded. I shifted my eyes towards the bed. He glanced at it, then back at me and sat down. I sat down next to him. He seemed completely comfortable with his surroundings which made me more comfortable to tell him about, me. I sighed and looked down.

"You're my friend. You'll the only friend that's not afraid of me. Right?" I looked back up at him. He still seemed clueless and uncomfortable. "Never mind, this conversation is useless."

I got up from the bed and headed towards the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Will stood up and walked towards me. He was uncomfortably close to me, I felt his breath on the edge of my forehead. It's unbelievable how much he represents his dad. Tall, sun kissed, sandy blond hair, surfer body...

"Three days, remember. Back to the bed," that'll be the only time I'll ever hear those words coming from his mouth. I strolled back to the bed and laid my head on the pillow. I couldn't help myself, I felt like I was going to pass out.

"I'll be back soon check on you. Get a lot of rest. Here," he tossed me a green pill, "take that and you will be out. Don't worry, I'll wake you up for food and bathroom breaks." And the son of Apollo left the infermary room, not looking back.

I laid on the uncomfortable infirmary bed, and stared out into space. I looked at the pill in my hand, and put it in my mouth to swallow it. Soon enough, I my eyes slowly shut. And it all went black.


~Will's POV~

Well that just happened. He's so cool, he probably thinks I'm like an annoying mom that overreacts when her child coughs. Which is true, I can't lie.

But I care about him, you know? I heard what happened to his sister, and what Percy did to him. And about his, uh "feelings" he used to have on Percy. Everyone in the camp knows about it, but people only care about right now is Leo, that demigod that blew up in the fight. I don't think Nico knows that everybody knows about him. And that was probably what he was telling Percy and Annabeth about, and what he was going to tell me.

As my thoughts were rolling, I bumped into someone. All I heard a faint girl scream and a clump! from my our body hitting the floor. I stood up. So did the girl. Crap.

"Oh-uh sorry about the-the falling thing." She stammered. I couldn't help but just stare. She was so beautiful. Green eyes, black silky hair, with snow white skin.

"I'm Willow Belace, daughter of Hermes." Willow held out her hand. I hesitated, but then I shook it slowly.

"I'm Will Solace." I stuttered, still shaking hands. It started to get awkward. So I let go and casually reached my hand around the back of my head and brought it down.

"Son of..."

"Apollo. God of douchieness."

She laughed. Fake laughed. By now I know when to tell. Willow finally noticed I was staring, and she quickly looked away and bit her lip.

"I-I have to go hand these letter to the head counselor of the Apollo cabin. Do you know who-"

"It's me." I interrupted. I took the letters from her hand softly.

"It was nice meeting you, but I gotta go." I said. Before she could speak I was off.


I hoped you enjoyed Chapter One of Confusion, and I will post and much as I could. It takes a lot of time to make chapters, sorry if I'm not the quickest

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