Chapter 6: Storming & Mom's House

Start from the beginning

"No, you don't need him, girl. Let him go." I said dramatically to the TV.

The thunder roared so loudly outside it made the house vibrate. I sat there on the sofa lost in thought. Then came on the TV was the woman making up with him and she passionately kissed him. I hate her for forgiving him. He cheated on her! Why do that? I let out an annoyed growl. But still the storm got more intense. It's a good thing not out there walking in it.

I was in to five minutes watching the TV and then my phone started ringing. It was dad. His photo came on the screen. That Lollipop song started singing of the Chordettes.

I picked up my phone off the coffee table. And I pressed the answer button.

"Hi, daddy." I tried to sound as fine as possible so he didn't suspect anything.

"Honey, are you home? Did you kids make it home okay? Is it storming bad there?" He said as if he was panicking. But he actually was panicking and I wanted him to calm down before he'd have a stroke.

I didn't want to tell him I wasn't home. Or that I was at mom's alone. He would ask me so many questions about being there. When he made it clear to come home right away.

"Honey, you there?"

"Yeah, dad I'm here." I said softly. "But the thing is... I'm not home," I said, feeling my voice breaking a bit.

"What do you mean?" He sounded angry all of a sudden.

"Okay the thing is...I'm at mom's. But she's not gone yet. I'm here waiting for her. But I'm okay." I told him.

"Christopher drove you to your mother's?" He asked and his voice was calm again.

"No actually I took a bus. And I got off that bus and got on another one and got dropped off on the street and then I walked to her house." I said, my heart beating fast as I heard the rain so strong hitting against the windows and in the drain pipes.

"Why didn't Christopher drive you? I told you not to use the bus." His voice was full of fury. "Wait..." he went silent for a moment. "Where is Christopher?"

"I don't know." I replied.

       Lightening flashed outside the window. The rain got more violent. Why is dad thinking about Christopher not driving me to L.A? First of all, dad needs to stop treating me like a baby. I'm sixteen. Big deal I was dressed in my cheerleading uniform while on the bus. But he doesn't need to know that part.

   "What do you mean you don't know?" He sounded more than angry through the phone but he was calm but I knew inside he would lose his patience.

   "It's not a big deal." I said.

   "Emma, this is very unacceptable. I told you to come straight home after school. But with this storm... jeez Emma. I cannot believe this. But please just get home before ten." He said.

     At this point, I'm not even sure if I wanna come home. After what happened with Christopher in the gym by the bleachers...I'm scared to face him. And he scares the shit out of me now. What if he does something like that again? Does he expect me to just be able to face him. I cannot bear this what Christopher did. And in my mind I'm still seeing him hitting me where I'm knocked down to the ground and his face just looking down with regret and remorse. I do see that. And I feel like Christopher doesn't care about me as his sister. He is probably just pretending all this time only because his mom married my dad. But inside he hates me.

    I didn't want to tell dad about what happened with Christopher. If he found out he would kill Christopher. So I was not gonna tell dad anything. I was just gonna keep that to myself.

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