fourteen | going to fucking kill you!

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"C'MON, WE GOTTA go." Sydney quietly told her sister, and Arianna shakily nodded as she pulled away from her.

"Let's go kill the clown." Arianna told her sister, and Sydney nodded, following her sister as she started walking back to where they came from.

Suddenly, Sydney let out a cry as she squeezed her eyes shut, and she put both of her hands on her head.

"What's wrong?" Arianna asked her, but knew that it was a flash. That couldn't be good.

Sydney stumbled backwards, almost falling to the ground before Arianna caught her.

"What's happening?!" Arianna asked her. "Tell me what you see."

Sydney mumbled something in pain as she scrunched up her nose, trying to clearly see in her flash.

"Sydney? Sydney, answer me!"

Sydney's face dropped, and she gripped onto Arianna's arms as her eyes were still squeezed shut. "No! N - No, no, stop!"

Arianna flinched at her screaming, and panic rushed through her. "What's happening?! Sydney!"

"Stop! Do - Don't h - don't hurt h - him! Stop!" Sydney's eyes shot open as she screamed, and she almost collapsed out of Arianna's arms in fear.

"Sydney, Sydney, who is it?" Arianna asked her, but Sydney didn't answer her.

"We have to hurry!" Sydney frantically told her sister, and she started running to where they came from; back to the caverns.

Arianna hesitated, before letting out a cry in frustration and she sprinted after her. "Sydney, wait!" She yelled after her, and Sydney ran out the tunnel, coming to a stop as she almost tripped over her feet. Arianna watched as Sydney's face grew pale, and she finally caught up to her, finally out of the tunnel.

Arianna looked around, seeing the other adults had ran in too, but had ran back in from their separate ways. She then saw Mike, who was standing in front of the humongous clown/spider. Her heart almost stopped as Pennywise had his leg wrapped around him, squeezing him tight.

Suddenly, a rock flew at Pennywise's head, making them all look in a certain direction - Richie and Eddie.

"Hey, fuckface!" Richie yelled, catching Pennywise's attention and he threw Mike to the ground, now wanting Richie, making Arianna's blood run cold. "You wanna play truth or dare? Here's a truth - you're a sloppy bitch!"

"Richie, what the fuck are you doing?!" Arianna yelled from a distance.

Richie only ignored her, for he didn't want Pennywise to go back to trying to kill Mike. "Yeah, that's right! Let's dance!" He picked up another rock, aiming at the clown/spider. "Yippie - ki - yay, motherfuck-"

Suddenly, the deadlights were shone on the glasses wearing man, making his arms and legs go limp, and for his eyes to turn all white. Richie started floating in the air, and Arianna gasped.

They all watched in fear as Pennywise's mouth was wide open, showing the bright, intense deadlights at Richie as he floated into the air, and Arianna's eyes traveled at the flow of light being shown through Pennywise's head. She squinted, trying not to stare at the deadlights.

"Fuck, Sydney, do something!" Arianna panicked, fearfully watching as her husband floated higher and higher in the air, and Sydney nodded, before narrowing her eyes at the clown/spider.

But before she could did anything, a spear from where near Richie was once standing was thrown in the air, landing straight in Pennywise's throat, making the deadlights stop and for Richie to fall to the ground.

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