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Another Saturday morning only this time i have someone to look forward to.

Good morning future girlfriend whats up for today?

Wake up Abbie its after 9.



Potential Girlfriend💏❤
Boy let me sleep. You kept me up last night.

Fine now am up. I was thinking we could go to the fireworks show tonight in the park?

That sounds fun what time tho. I miss your face.

Potential Girlfriend 💏❤

Its starting at 5 so we can leave at 5  to get good seats.
And quite being so corny. Miss my face really?

Yes really. Your really cute you know that right?
I mean your like a pretty little flower.

Potential Girlfriend 💏❤

Ohk you need to stop your killing me😂😂😂😂

Am sorry if am coming off strong i just really like you and want to know everything about you. Anyways I'll keep you posted am gonna do ma chores and get myself ready for tonight. I kinda wanna impress my date.😁😁😊

Potential Girlfriend 💏❤
Ok Romio see yoh at 5.😉

This was it i had to take it slow with her. My past relationships were always so fast like we would have sex on either the first or second date and they never last for more than a month. But all those girls wanted was money and the fame Abbie is different she actually tries to help out even if she is kind of a treehugger its cute.

So the day flew by and now its 4 i need to start getting ready.

Hey Abbs could you send me your address?

Potential Girlfriend 💏❤
Yeah um its 25 Creasent Street am the light blue house third in the lane.

Kl see yah soon.

I have never been so nervous about anything ever. What if i screw up and mess up the building of our relationship? God please help me stay calm.

A knock on her door and her mom answers.
"Hello good evening Mr Doman she will be right down. Am her mother Sydney"

"Hi Mrs Baker "

"Oh dear just Sydney. Abbie your date is here"
"Thank you mom." She kisses her and grabs her jacket."I'll be back by 9 or 10 depends. And i will text you. Love you"

"Have fun guys not too much fun though" Sydney waved us goodbye.

We listen to her playlist which consisted of Kelani, Cardi B and PnB Rock and of course we sand along.

"Wait stop here i need to get a few things." She said pointing at the grocery store.
I went in with her and got lays, snickers, fruit juice, ice breakers gum and a few other snacks. Now we are ready.

After another 10 minutes drive we were there. We set up at an empty spot near the lake on a big towel. As we sat there looking at the stars i could see she was cold so i ran back to the car to get her a blanket i have in there.
"Here Abbie keep warm"
"Thank you but i don't trust that. How many girls have you had in it"
"Actually all my other dates were more like sex in a motel not really date date"
"Ohk so this should be clean then. I'll use it but am keeping it" she hugged her body with the blanket and we heard an announcement.
The fireworks were starting.

"Ok so here is the deal this is my first date and i am afraid of fireworks" she said looking worried.
"What so why come here?"
"I don't know call it being crazy"
"Ok would you mind if i hug you since your afraid?"
She didn't even answer before hugging me. I positioned myself around her so my legs were on either side and i hugged her back. She smelt like cinnamon bun. I didn't even realise the first fire work went off till she squeezed my hand.

"Its ok Abbs i got you" she smiled at me reassurance.
At this point i really want to kiss her but she felt so comfortable in my arms i really don't want to ruin it. After the show we did a bit of star gazing.

"So am your first date huh?"
"Yeah don't be cocky about it"
"I would never. So you ever like kissed before?"
"Strange question but no. Am what our school calls a geeky weirdo so boys tent to not make the move"
"Would you like me to be your first kiss too?"
Oh my gosh i could see her getting red.
"Abbie am gonna kiss you now. If you wish for me to stop just say it and i will ok"

I leaned forward giving her time to back out but she didn't instead she closed her eyes giving me the ok with a nod. As my lips touch hers i could feel the tension between us melt as she let go of all nervousness. I gave her time to adjust to it as it was her first kiss. Afterwards i swiped my tongue across her lips asking for entrance in which i recieved.

Feeling her pulling my hair and tasting her sweet lips felt like heaven to say the least and her tiny moans god. Control yourself Iru. I pulled back giving her time to catch her breath.
"So was i good enough for your first kiss Abbs" i said smirking
"Wow could you be any more cocky? But yes thats amazing."
"Abbie Lyn Baker will you be my girlfriend? "
"Sure Iru Doman. What's your middle name anyways"
"You have to promise not to talk"
"Pinky promise"we finished off locking pinkies and swearing.
"Ohk so its Jessi like the girl from Hey Jessie. My dad wanted another daughter but got me so Iru Jessi Doman"
"I like it sounds cute. Jess" she said laughing and sticking out her tongue at me.
"You are gonna pay for that" i pulled her back to me and placed my lips on hers.

"I don't want you to think i only want sex from Abbie. I like you alot and i want to see how far this will go. Am willing to wait till marriage for sex if i have to"
"Well thank you but who says we are getting married boy. I am only your girlfriend "
"Let a guy dream."

The rest of the night was smooth sailing. We ate all the snacks and head back home it was after 8 by then. I dropped her off giving her a goodnight kiss.

Potential Girlfriend 💏 ❤
Well boyfriend thanks for the date it was lovely.

No problem girlfriend. Next time we do dinner though i wonder what you look like in a dress?😁

Potential Girlfriend 💏 ❤
Sure no problem. Anyways goodnight lover boy😝😋😜😛😙😘

Goodnight angel😇 sleep tight and dream of me.💜💜💗💗💗💘💘💘💝💝💝💞💞💟💟💖💖💕💕💓💓

I swear to you am not obsessed or love sick i just really like her. She is like that new xbox you wanted for Christmas but ended up getting at the start of December. You just wanna cherish it so you can show it off when Christmas comes.

Ok so maybe i am a bit love sick but so what. So my famiky needs to know that i am serious about her. I know they will love her especially mom and Sue. My dad he is kinda crazy thinking everyone is after his money or his business plans. Gosh that man is messed up.

Anyways am going to bed cause i have chapters to read for English monday.😪😪😪😪😖😖😖😗😗😋😋😋😍😍😍

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