A New Life

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Mari's Pov 
Still can't fathom what happened. Pregnant and soon to be married. And to whom? To the Legendary Devil Hunter himself. Yup it's all true. Who knew we could work this out after all eh? I'm so freaking happy! We still need to decide the wedding day. I tried to mark on calendar days that it could be more suitable for us or when he doesn't hunt demons. It was hard to arrange your own wedding. I didn't have any experience. The girls decided to help me a bit. "You're still gonna wear a normal wedding dress are you?" Lady asked me. "Ah yeah ofcourse i will." "How long do you want it to be? Or how formal or modern?" "I was more into victorian era and what not. Long and sophisticated. Sorta" "I see romantic then." "Hmm we might be able to find something like it" Trish said. "Really? It's kinda hard and rare to find such a dress." "Oh darling i'm a demon i can do anything" she laughed. "Alright then." "I wonder what Dante will wear? He's not very fond of suits." I chuckled when Lady said that "Who knows? Maybe he will now." "Girl wow you have guts i give you that" Trish told me. "Thank you" i giggled. "So how about the 21th of November? Sounds good?" "I think so. Yeah it's cool. I mean if Dante doesn't have a job or anything sure." "You'll have to ask him if he agrees. Then you have all the time to prepare yourselves." "Thank you so much Trish for everything. And you too Lady." They both smiled "Don't mention it. That's what friends are for." I smiled and hugged them both. "So where's Dante now?" "He went out with Nero. Looking for baby clothes can you believe it?" "Huh amazing. But what color?" "He's convinced it will be a girl so i guess either red or pink." "That's typical Dante." "Totally" we laughed. "I'm telling ya ever since he found out he's so happy. Like a child who has his first present on Christmas. Unbelievable. He's bragging all the time how lucky he is and that our kid it will be the most beautiful" i chuckled. "Makes sense. I'm happy for you both." "Thanks" i smiled. And with that i walked down the office and sat on the couch waiting for Dante. i got hungry and made my way into the kitchen. Ι heard the door and footsteps. "Where's my wife to be?" Dante asked " In here." "Hey babe why are you in the kitchen? Got hungry?" "Yeah" i nodded. "C'mon sit down. I'll try to make something." "What? Dante please i'm pregnant not sick." "More reason not to tire yourself out." "But..." "Not buts babe i don't want anything happens to you or to our kid capisce?" "Fine." He kissed me "Good. What do you want to eat?" "Eh i don't know. Just anything." "What about a sandwhich?" "Seriously??? Nothing better than pizza!" He chuckled "okay,okay." "Leave it i'll make my special homemade pizza for both of us." "What a treat! Great!" he made a fistbump "Dork" i giggled. He giggled back "Well i'm happy and can't hide it babe." "So i noticed" i smiled at him. "Better hurry up then we're hungry." "You always hungry Dante." "That's true." "Can i ask you something babe?" "Sure" he said. "Trish recommended our wedding day and i just wanted to be sure if you're fine with it." "Okay when?" "21th of November." "Whoa that's nearly close." "It is. Are you busy that day?" "Nope. Not that i think of." "So....?" "So let's do it." I grinned and kissed him. "Awesome are you gonna wear a suit?"i teased. He was shocked for a moment "Uh i- i don't know. Should i?" "Nah you don't have to just wondering." "I mean i could. For our wedding." I gave him a surpise look. "You...wow" that's all i said. "What babe?" "You would do this for me? You don't need to change your outfit i love it." He smirked "I know but look at me. Who would want to see a hombo dirty cowboy getting married and wearing a trenchcoat?" I laughed "I would. I love you just the way you are. I don't care what others say." "Aww damn baby you're so sweet." "Nah." "You are." "Thank you." And i baked the pizza once more. I was so happy. I stared at the ring and i couldn't believe it it was so beautiful. And looked expensive but didn't care. He was sitting on the chair locking his eyes with mine i smiled and i went to him i sat on his lap. He kissed me and i kissed him back,while placing his fingers inside my blouse. "What are you doing?" "We still can have some fun babe. C'mon." "You naughty piece of shit Sparda." He smirked "That's me." "Yep all you." He kissed my neck and i put my hands on his pants rubbing his member. "Aww is someone hard? Hmm..." "Care to help me sweetheart?" he said smirking. "I will." I opened his pants and moved lower putting my mouth into his cock sucking it. "Mmm oh yeah babe that's nice" he chuckled. "Pervent." I continued to suck him and he let out a moan. "Enjoying ourselves are we?" "Damn babe!" "What?" "You're killing me!" "Should i stop then?" "No." "Good." I used my tongue and then i sat on top of him allowing him to ride me. I moaned and looked at him while my hips were moving upside down. "Ohhh Dante you're so amazing." "I know i'm the greatest babe." He held me onto him kissing my neck. "I want us to be like this forever." "We will sweetheart. I promise." And with that we made love and minutes later i served the pizza we both ate. "Hmm this is delicious babe. Always loved your homemade pizza. Got any special recipe for that?" I giggled "I might. But it's a secret." "Secret huh?You're not going to tell your husband to be?" I shook my head. He pouted. "Not fair doll." "Aww why?" I was hoping you could tell me. I would love to know what makes it so special." I tilt my head "Maybe another time." "I'll wait." 


Demons,Pizza and LoveOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara