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So after Dante confessed his feelings for me i made breakfast and baked things. We were in the kitchen and Morrison came in again. "Uh goodmorning lovebirds. I'm sorry to interrupt you." Dante frowned "What happened again this time? Give me a break i deserve it atleast." "I know and my deepest apologies but it's serious. Urizen returned." "How? That sneaky bastard! Alright. Enough's enough i guess! I must put and end to this" he said while snufling his face with pizza. I tried to stay calm and looked at them both. Urizen it was Vergil wasn't he? Corrupted once again gaining more power but Dante was stronger. I believed in him. Always. "Hey babe i.." "I know you have to go again" i sighed. "Sorry i have to do this." I nodded "I understand it's okay don't be sorry. It's what you do after all. And i promised to stay with you no matter what didn't i? So yeah." Dante smiled a bit as he was finishing up eating his delicious homemade pizza. "Pizza Morrison? She made it." Morrison looked at him and took a slice. "Well,well you two can't believe you're so alike. It amazes me." I blushed and felt happy. "Yeah isn't she perfect though?" "Aww stop it" i said to him. "What? It's true." i rolled my eyes "Dork shut up" i giggled. "Fine fine i need to get dressed." He went upstairs to the bedroom and changed his clothes he felt a bit sad but it was his job. And it's  his brother for fuck's sakes. He needed to stop him. I was still in the kitchen putting the dishes in the dishwasher and Morrison was at Dante's office. I wasn't going to cry again damn it. I didn't want to show my sensitivity and my weakness. I'm strong. It was still June but if he would be really gone this time? What if he didn't come back? What if i didn't matter? And most importantly it would be my fault. I didn't tell him when my birthday is and well if he was gone that much in August he won't be here. He will miss it. "Damn it!" i hissed and i accidentally broke the plate and cut my finger "Shit!" Dante heard me and rushed into the kitchen "Babe? Are you okay?" I looked at him "Yeah i'm fine don't worry.It's nothing sorry i'll clean it up" i told him "No,no leave it. Hey look at me. What's wrong? Are you mad at me?" "No Dante i'm mad at myself. It's not your fault! It's mine." "What happened?" "It's not that important forget it." "What? It is important if it's about you." "It doesn't matter. Look you need to stop you brother alright? I'll be fine. I'll be here like always." Dante looked at me a bit curious and worried but he let go. He didn't want to interfere more. He knew i was stubborn just like he was. "You know i love you right?" he asked me. I nodded "I love you too now go." He smiled and kissed me deeply one last time before he leaves. I stroke his cheek "Be a badass" i whispered to him he chuckled and blushed "Ofcourse babe. Always". So that's it. He left again for the Qlipoth roots away from his home,from me. I promised i would waiting for him and i would. Although i had a very bad feeling. Strangely i was scared about me. Now with Dante gone i couldn't protect myself could i? No, i would fight. Didn't know how but i would. If demons want to get me so be it. But i won't surrender. 


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