Strawberry Sundae

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(Okay seriously i don't know  if Dante had ever had  sex with someone and i've never read the manga although  Vergil  had a son first  meaning he got laid before him but maybe Dante had some little wild adventures so i'm not quite sure it's fiction after all. Anyway he is always flirty lol) 

 Another day,another month passed and still no sign of Dante. I missed him so much. I thought it could be over by now. I wanted to go out for a while. I knew demons were probably find me but i didn't give a shit. I stopped by a local cafe and got in. I sat down and ordered a strawberry sundae. It was his favorite and mine ofcourse. I couldn't help but cry. Why? Why he didn't call me? What was going on? I tried not to think. The waitress came over and brought me the ice cream. "Thanks" i said to her. "You're welcome. Thinking of anyone special?" "Uh really" i lied. I ate the ice cream,paid and returned home. And when i mean home i mean the shop. Still nothing. I sighed and laid down on the couch trying to sleep. It was then where i heard strange noises and woke up.  "Hello? Is some one here?" i walked slowly. I saw a figure with leather wings and he was...huge? A demon? What the fuck?? How did he get in? He looked some how familiar. "Uhm... Dante? Is that you?" I knew he had a devil trigger but this was different. He was big,full of flames and red color. His claws were giant and i could slightly see his thick,hard cock. I bit my lip and stood still. He could returned into human i knew that. I wasn't afraid of him. Maybe he didn't realise he was in  a full demon mode on. "Dante?" i asked again. He turned around and watched me "Babe? Shit sorry didn't want you to see me like this." I giggled " I like it i'm not scared. That's your new power? I mean form?" He stopped and returned to his human form and eyed me "Yeah. I'm..." "Shhh it's okay. It only matters to me  you're alive and you came back." He smiled and hugged me tight. "I told you i would. It's been months. I missed you." "I missed you too. Did you win?" "I think so yes. I kicked his ass" he smirked. I was giggling. ''Ofcourse you did". Dante grinned and sat on his desk and put me on his lap i wrapped my arms around his neck. "So everything all right while i was gone?" "Yep so quiet.Luckily no demons showed up to kill me." "Hey don't joke about this. I don't want to lose you." I looked at him and played with his hair. So indeed i was special to him. "Am i that important to you?." He kissed my head and smiled ''You are. I never felt like this before. For anyone. You make this ol' fool man happy." I chuckled and cried. "Really?" He wiped my tears and held me close to him. "Really." I smiled and stroke his cheek his hair was a bit long now i guess it was from his long ass nap (lol) and his beard grew a little too. I found it sexy and teased him "Hmm your beard grew and your hair. It's so hot." He grinned "Oh yeah? You like it baby?" "I do." "You know i might start to like it too." "You better." He smirked and gave me a spank on my ass. "You perv!" i teased. "Can't help it" he chuckled. "All these nasty magazines and porn! How long actually have you had sex?" "I don't know. Guess Vergil beat me to it first." "What?! You never ever?" "Ok maybe just a little but ya know nothing serious." "One night stands then? Maybe?" "Something like that yeah" " What a womanizer"I rolled my eyes at him. "Hey! I was young back then" "Fine whatever i don't care what you did before we met." "Oh come on babe don't tell me you're jealous are ya?" "Me? Jealous? Hahaha funny! Absolutely not!" He looked at me "Mmm you are" he grinned" "Shut up!" i backsassed at him. He laughed "Sweetheart no need to be jealous. I'm with you now and i'm not going anywhere. You're the one i want i barely give any damn about other girls i'm not interested in them" I looked at him "So am i the only one you want?" "Right now yes and forever." "What?Forever is really long word and..." "I mean it. I've never been more serious." "So....i guess we call this thing how exactly? A relationship? Dating?" He chuckled "Well i was never good at either of them but i could try. We could try. We know each other pretty well already." "That's true we do. We should start dating then. Like you know when demons not after me or you we could always walk through the city or going to the park or something, i really don't know either. I never done this before!" "We will work it out but all those things sound great. Why not?" I nodded "Okay fine with me then. I like that" "Me too" he smiled and kissed my forehead. I missed him so damn much and he returned with such amazing news. Me and him are dating. Like a real couple. A normal couple. Well kind of normal but still i couldn't believe it. He was such a gentleman and so kind. Especially with me. I love him now and forever. 


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