I'll Fight for You

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((Lord he is so fucking handsome i can't!!! thanks to tumblr for all those amazing pics <3 ))  

Dante and Vergil found a way to return into the human world and find Belphagor and Asmodeus. Dante was so pissed and he swore to himself he won't let anyone else he loves the most to die again. He seathed his sword and guns out and started to kill the demons "I'll fight for you babe. I promise" he said. Vergil slashed the demons with the Yamato and soon they heard a demonic laugh. Asmodeus were there ready to do his dirty tricks. "You!" Dante yelled "You did this to her!" Asmodeus eyed him "Well well if it isn't the Son of Sparda? How sweet! Came to save your precious girl's life? Pathetic! A human and a demon! Where did i hear that story before?" he mocked. "You piece of shit! You know nothin' about me or my family!" Dante hissed "Is that so? But i do! Don't forget i'm The prince of Hell after all." "Yeah right. Whatever! You're not match for me!" Vergil looked at both of them then Belphagor showed up "Looks like the old friend is back Dante" Vergil said to Dante "Hah great! Hey you big ugly bastard. I thought i sent you away! Remember me? Yep that's me" Asmodeus ordered "Kill them!!!" Belphagor attacked but Dante with Vergil dodged his attacks and started to fight, while Dante was shooting him with Ebony and Ivory. Belphagor  screamed but he was tough. Asmodeus was laughing hysterically he mind controlled all the city turning the citizens into demons.  He then somehow managed to pulled me out from the oblivion aka Underworld and i was still hurt and on the edge of dying. He had a plan. An evil plan i was certain. "Oh look who showed up for the party eh?" Dante turned around and he gasped seeing me back but he had a feeling this wasn't so good. " What are you doing? Let her go. NOW!" "I don't think so no" he was chocking me i couldn't breathe i kicked him and i fell down. Dante ran to me and held me close to him "Stay behind me doll face" he gently said to me. I smiled a little and nodded but it was too damn late. Vergil sensed something dark was coming. Asmodeus had so much power the world was doomed. "Dante?" I asked him a bit worryingly. He didn't answer. Something was off. "Uhm Vergil?" "Stay back dear" "Why?" "Dante's not himself. I sense it. It's bad." "What do you mean?" "Asmodeus controlling him." "No he can't do that. He can't manipulate him can he?" "Who knows? Everything is possible." "I have to help him." "No are you insane?! He'll kill you!" "I don't care Vergil! I love him! I can't leave him like this! I'm the only who can bring him back to his normal self! Please...." Vergil nodded for once he was trying to act like a human and save his little brother. I walked closer to Dante he was a demon now Asmodeus was manipulate and control him but i loved him. I loved his demon side, his human side,everything. I held his hand "Dante, fight it please i know that you're still there. You have to listen to me ok? I love you,no matter what. I'll always love you. You're not scaring me. Not at all. You have to fight this. You're stronger than him." I kept telling him Asmodeus was getting irritated by me. "You bitch! He can't hear you! He belongs to me!" He raised his hand and he pinned me against a wooden stick blood was falling off from my mouth. "Oh no" Vergil said.  I was coughing the stick got into my stomach probably cutting an organ too. (yikes totally gore told ya) Then Dante woke up realising what happened "Mariii noooo!!!!" He was in so much rage he killed all the demons and he sealed Belphagor away with Vergil's help as for Asmodeus "Idiots! This is not over! I'll return!" "Next time it will be your death!" Dante warned him. Asmodeus disappeared and Dante ran off to me removing the wooden stick from me and place me into his arms "Shh just stay with me babe" I looked at him "There. I did it. I- i saved you." "I guess you did yeah." I was bleeding awfully bad. I needed hospital. It was serious. "She needs to take care of Dante" Vergil told him. "I...just let me think for a second." I held Dante's hand " No,don't. You have to let me go." "What? There's no way in hell i will do that! I promised i would fight for you! And i always will!" "You can't save me..." "I can. I love you dammit! I won't let you go" My gosh he can be such a sweetheart when he wants to. I smiled "Now you're romantic." "It's you that's why." I kissed him and he kissed me back. "You need help babe. I'm not gonna lose you." "Okay" i nodded and him and Vergil helped me to go to the nearest hospital. It was going to be a hard night.  


(Oh the agony) 

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