Two Eggs, Beaten

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"Mhm, sounds interesting. Hopefully, it will be better than in my previous home."

Ivy chuckled softly, though it was mostly to herself. She remembered her spirit of adventure when she first came to the city. She still wanted to explore the place and it would be a great way to get to know the Jelly Cookie better.

"Hey, how about we go out into the city together?"

Jones raised a frosting eyebrow at the suggestion but smirked in amusement.

"Really? I've only been here since last night and know literally nothing about this place."

"Well, I do not know the city that well either, but it will be fun exploring together! As long as we don't stay out too late, we will be fine."

Jones thought about the idea for a second, raising her left arm to her chin. After a few seconds, she smiled and nodded her head.

"Sure, why not? I'm down for an excursion."

Ivy smiled and picked up Jones with her vines out of excitement. She was startled upon being suddenly up in the air, but Jelly Cookie smiled back. She was light, but her skin was surprisingly coarse. The jelly that covered her body stuck to it instead of dripping onto the floor.

"If you two wouldn't mind, I would like to come along."

Ivy looked at the audino that spoke and set Jones down.

"Neither of you is familiar with the city and I would like to be there to help you. Of course, I won't limit where you go."

Ivy thought about this for a moment and considered it to be a good idea. Last time she went to the city alone, things could have gone very wrong if it wasn't for Rose and her pokemon.

"Yeah! I think it is a good idea."

Ivy switched back to English and explained the audino's request to Jones.

Audino wants to come along with us. She knows the city a lot better than I do. Are you okay with it, Jelly Cookie?"

"Eh, I don't really mind. Having an extra pair of eyes is good to have."

The audino nodded its head.

"Wonderful. Now, let me make some preparations before we head off."

While the audino walked out of the kitchen, Ivy and Jelly Cookie were left alone. An awkward silence permeated the room until the audino came back. On its back was a brown drawstring bag, it's bulging sides were evidence that it was filled. Audino nodded its head towards the door, indicating that they were ready to go.

As they were walking towards the door, Ivy noticed the peculiar was Jelly Cookie was waking. She had a limp going on, caused by her half-jelly leg interfering with the bending of her leg.

"Hey Jones, do you want me to carry you? You do not seem to be able to walk well."

"So I'm a helpless child now? I can walk fine by myself, thank you."

The reply surprised Ivy as her seeds of doubt started to take root. Jones sensed Ivy's concern and tried to address it.

"I'm fine, really. If I do need help, I'll letcha know. M'kay?"

This relieved Ivy a little and let out a sigh. She nodded and headed out the door.

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