One Cup Of White Sugar

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It was late evening in the city, the sun had set and street lights twinkled along with the stars above. In an apartment, three close pokemon were settling into sleep. A Lampent, Flaaffy, and Servine rearranged a pile of pillows and blankets to their liking.

The last few days had been relatively placid compared to the events a week prior. No new people, pokemon, or problems have emerged. Most minds would consider this a blessing, but not for one pokemon. Ivy the Servine was growing antsy from the quiet. She was used to something new and exciting around every corner, and it was driving her up the walls. Of course, she didn't want anything bad to happen, but just for something fun. But perhaps for the sake of her close friends, Mary the Flaaffy and Evan the Lampent, she kept these thoughts to herself. They had been affected the worst out of past events and they deserve to relax.

Ivy nestled into a comfortable place in the blanket nest they had built and set her head down. Evan and Mary were already falling asleep next to her, but Ivy kept her eyes open. She still had energy left in her body and wanted to use it. Just then, Rose came through the door.

Ivy raised her head up to get a look at Rose. The woman was in her early thirties and had long rose-red hair. She wore a medium-length rose red dress with a forest green belt on top of it. Rose had quit her job at the Cake Contraption and was now working elsewhere. At least, that's what Ivy assumes. She hasn't asked Rose what her job was now, probably in regards to Rose's last job. She Ivy could figure out was that her shifts were during the late afternoon into the evening, so Ivy mostly saw her in the morning.

Ivy noticed that Rose had set down her red purse down on the kitchen counter and pulled something out of it. Ivy could barely see it, it was only the size of Rose's hand. The silhouette looked like a miniature person. Rose lowered her hand to the counter and the thing jumped off. Ivy wondered if it was a new pokemon. Though, there wasn't enough evidence for her to be sure.

Rose whispered something to the figure, but Ivy couldn't hear what she was saying. Rose then walked out of the kitchen and into her bedroom. Ivy looked over to try and see what was in the kitchen, but she couldn't figure out anything. It was all silhouettes and shadows, too dark for the diurnal Servine.

Ivy wanted to investigate the strange figure but didn't want to risk waking her friends. She figured that she could ask Rose in the morning, so Ivy settled back and fell asleep.

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