One Cup Of Brown Sugar

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Just like any other day, Ivy was the first to awaken out of her friends. The sun was well up in the mid-morning sky when Ivy looked out the window. She didn't hear Rose making breakfast, which was a discrepancy. Ivy was hungry and was going to eat something, whether or not it was from Rose. The Servine got up, careful as to not wake her friends, and walked towards the kitchen.

Upon entering the room. Ivy found out that there was someone there. Two audino were standing by the refrigerator, while a cottonee floated above over the counter. One of the audino noticed the new pokemon in the room and greeted Ivy.

"Good morning. Rose left early today and won't be coming back until evening. Until then, may I help you with something?"

Ivy was a bit bewildered at the unannounced absence of Rose. She was the type of person to plan out and remember things, so it was out of the ordinary for Rose to do something like this.

Shaking the thoughts about Rose out of her head, Ivy remembered what she came by for.

"Can you get me some food, please? Just for me though, my friends are still asleep."

The audino nodded and started preparing some breakfast for Ivy. It reached into a cabinet and pulled out a ceramic bowl and bag of pokemon food. While the audino was pouring out the food, Ivy looked up at the counters. She was looking for what or whom Rose had put there last night. Ivy couldn't make out anything out of the ordinary, just some food on a plate and a jar of jellybeans. Ivy turned around when she felt a tap on the shoulder. The audino had finished preparing Ivy some food. Ivy thanked the audino and started eating.


The language wasn't of a pokemon, it was English. This startled Ivy as she looked around the kitchen. Ivy thought it came from above her, so she looked at the cottonee floating above. When the other grass type shook its head, Ivy was even more confused.

"Over here!"

Ivy could pinpoint the voice this time and look at its source. Or at least, what she assumed was its source. Ivy was staring eye to eye at...a cookie in the shape of a human?

"Are you talking to me," Ivy asked in English.

"So you do speak! Here I was thinking that Rose and I were the only ones."

The cookie hopped down from the counter onto the ground. Despite the large height compared to the cookie, it seemed to be okay. Though now that Ivy got a closer view of the cookie, it didn't seem to be normal.

"Heya! The name's Jelly Cookie!"

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