Unwanted strangers

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I woke up to a strange smell that I didn't know yet. It was a mixture of a muddy gras field that was just mowed and an ice cold breeze that came straight from the sea. The light that surrounded me was so bright that I couldn't open my eyes for the first few minutes that I was awake again. In those brief few minutes I listened very carefully to my surroundings, which was quite quiet apart from my own breathing and the breathing of someone else.

Because I was so confused as to where I was and to what was going on, my mind was jumping from one subject to another and back. I started thinking about the strange smell that was around again. I hadn't been in the area long but it was long enough to know that there wasn't any sea close to the Eyrie, which made me wonder where I actually was. My thoughts lead me back to only two options: one being that the person that knocked me out actually took me further than I initially thought and the other being that I hadn't been observant enough to notice the smell in the first place in the Eyrie because my mind wasn't fully focused. Both were good options but neither were in my favor. I also came to the conclusion at my saving rate wasn't very high as well, no matter how close or far I was from the Eyrie, because the one person that might have noticed that I was gone and might have considered trying to come and save me was also the person that I had just turned down and hit in the face. Great. There goes my only chance of surviving this bloody situation.

I went back to listening to my surroundings, carefully being aware of every movement that was made around me. I listened to the wind move around me, softly making my hair move around it sweep against my face. I listened closely and waited till I was sure that there was no one around me anymore to open my eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes, steadily adjusting them to the bright light around me. As I opened my eyes I took in my environment in very carefully and payed attention to every detail. I saw a lot of green and some rocks but there was no sea nor shore in sight, which was even more strange considering what I smelled earlier. Ad I tried to move around a bit I felt the rope around my wrists and ankles tighten, making me stop before I could actually make a real attempt at it. I quickly realized that it was no use and that I had to wait for my captor to show themself and pray to the old Gods and the new that they had no intention to kill me.

It didn't take long before they came back. It were two men, average looking, certainly no older then 35 but both twice my size. " Look now who's awake! Finally we can get the information we need Tony" one of the guys said, but the other man named Tony did not respond to his friend. He just stood there, and watched me. His eyes moving up and down my body, clearly inspecting me. But why would they want me? And what information could I possibly provide them? Was it because I had been seen at the Eyrie? Or maybe because I had befriended Petyr?

Millions of questions were running through my mind but my train of thought was abruptly cut short by the question "so who are you exactly?" by the man without a name. "Excuse me?" I replied, not giving in to them so easily. "Ye deaf or something?! What is your name lass? Come on now we ain't got all day to wait on your answer" he repeated himself again. I waited a second to reply to him, considering all my options. "My name is Madyson" I eventually replied to them, not really having any other options then to obey them. "Madyson who? Don't ya have a surname or something?" Tony said to me, clearly on to me for leaving it out. "Madyson Crakehall, Sir" as I always used my mothers maiden name because it was safer then my fathers. "Your real name lass, don't play tricks on me" the no name man said to me.  I was shocked that anyone even knew my real name, but I really didn't see why it was so important to them. I hesitated with answering him and as a result I felt a knife pressed against my throat. "Now little lass, quickly" no name said. I really had no choice but to tell them my real name.

"My name is Madyson Frey. My father was Lyonel Frey" I held my breath awaiting their response, carefully watching their every move. I slowly felt the knife be pulled away from my throat and I looked no name straight in his brown eyes. "You are worth more than you even know" he said with a grin on his face. I had no clue what he meant but to be fair it wasn't the first topic on my mind. "Look my father was a good man" I begun, trying to make sense of it all, " and he was nothing like my uncle I promise you that" but all they did was laugh.

"We're not after your Frey blood lass" no name eventually said, still chuckling. "You are connected to higher born people then them. Anyone would recognize ye golden hair anywhere". Now I was fully lost with what this all meant, but I didn't get a chance to think about it because within no time I again had a knife to my throat. I held my breath awaiting their next move. "So you are coming with us. Don't try to resist or we will hurt you" Tony said to me while no name held the knife. My eyes went from no name to Tony and back to no name when I felt his knife come closer all of a sudden. Scared of what was about to happen I closed my eyes so tight that all I saw was darkness....

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