An unexpected change

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I kept telling myself that I couldn't be in love with him as the tears rolled down my cheek. Ugh I hated myself so much for letting this happen! I hated myself so much for letting my walls down so easily and trusting someone so fast. I really thought that I could trust him, but clearly I could not.

Still sitting with my face in my hands I was taken by surprise when suddenly a voice said " are you okay Madyson?" I let out a sigh, him of course. I stood up, whisked my hair out of my face not caring a bit that he could see that I had cried and looked him straight into his eyes and answered " yes, I'm fine My Lord". I said it with not showing any emotions in my face, but I saw that the ending of my sentence did hurt him a little. He hated it when i called him My Lord, but I didn't care anymore.

" Maybe I should have told you about Ly-" but I cut him short. " Yes. Yes, maybe you should have told me indeed". The pain and anger was hearable in my voice, but I stopped caring about that a while ago and I let go of all the manners that my mother taught me when I was little. " Quite a big thing to leave out of your story is it not?" I looked him straight in the eyes and didn't even give him time to respond. " I think I should leave, since there is no reason for me to stay here any longer" I said to him as I turned away from his face, feeling the tears burning in my eyes. I was about to walk away when I felt his hand grab my arm, stopping me from walking away from him. My head was begging him to let me go and be done with it, but my heart was screaming that he'd pull me closer and never let me go. And since I couldn't make a decision which one to listen to I just stood still, waiting for him to act. To my big surprise he pulled me back and straight into a kiss, but as soon as our lips met I pulled back and slapped him across his cheek. After that I walked away to gather all the things that I would need on my journey up north.

I walked as fast as my legs could cary me, gathering food and clothing for my journey. I needed to get out of this castle as fast as possible, I didn't want to be around them any longer than necessary. What if word came out of, tho it was barely anything anyways, Petyr and me? Lysa would have my head put on a spike for sure! And since my head is a very vital part of my body to live I'd rather not lose it. I put all of my stuff in my bag and waited for night to fall so that I could leave without them really knowing.

The entire evening I walked around the castle carefully observing my surroundings as I went along. The castle was not that big but it wasn't small either. It was cold and stiff with very few things laying around, and only a small amount of paintings on the wall. The paintings were mostly about Lysa and some other man that wasn't Petyr, and in some of the paintings the couple was accompanied by a little boy. You could see his appearance change from one painting to the next as you could see him growing older. He was very skinny and looked mostly after his mother, unfortunately for him that was as his mother wasn't all that goof looking. On the last painting however it was just Lysa and the little boy. I figured that the man had either left Lysa, which was very unlikely, or he had died.

As it grew darker and darker outside I had to make sure to keep quiet and I made myself ready to leave thus place, and Petyr, behind forever. I looked around to make sure that no one saw me leaving and then made my way out of the castle. As I walked out I saw nothing out of the ordinary, tho only moments later I wished I had been a little more observant because within seconds of thinking I was safe I felt someone hit me on the back of my head and I passed out....

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