The first encounter

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I am no girl of any high family, but it seems that I have some royal blood running through my veins. With the realm being at war my home was no longer safe. It had already cost me my father and mother and with no siblings I was the only one left. I had no choice but to flee as I felt that danger was still near so I started my journey going up north. Since I've always lived in a small town in the Crownlands I ended up entering The Vale. For me it was unknown land with a lot of mysteries, hunters, and much more waiting for me, and quite frankly it scared me a little to be out there on my own.

As the night began to fall I entered a town just across the " border " in The Vale. Tired from my journey I entered the first Inn I saw and payed to stay for the night. As I did so I had a strange feeling of being watched by someone I couldn't see but I shrugged it off and took the key to my room.

As I walked up the stairs to go to my room and rest for the night my eyes crossed the ones of another man walking on the stairs. His figure being somewhat slender like but fairly well dressed with a pin of a mockingbird attached to his gown. His hair was black but had already grown glowingly gray in some parts. And his eyes were light brown with a hint of light blue in them when the right light seemed to hit them. Because I was so busy studying the man walking down the stairs I lost my own balance and nearly tumbled down the stairs, but before even realizing it an arm was already around my waist and so preventing me from falling down. I looked at the man and I was immediately drawn back to those beautiful, mysterious eyes. I saw that he had a smirk on his face and I grew aware that my cheeks were turning slightly red because of the whole embarrassing situation. ' T-Thank you Sir...' I said as he helped me to stand back up on the stairs. ' Call me Petyr ' he said while nodding at me as he continued his own way down the stairs. And I stood there, alone , startled and completely confused by what just happened on the stairs.

I stood there for a moment but recollected myself and made my way to my own room, and it shouldn't have taken as long as it did but I was too busy with the questions in my head. " what was his full name? Is he royal? Can I even trust him? Why did he bother saving me instead of letting me fall? Am I ever seeing him again?" And with that last one causing the most trouble cause he should just be a passing man on the stairs but it didn't feel like that for me and i just couldn't get that question nor him out of my head. Finally I found my room in the back of the Inn and I unlocked the door. When I entered the room I saw that it wasn't a big one but it seemed just big enough for me to stay in, and besides it was only for one night since I was leaving to make my way further up north tomorrow anyways. I put my bag down and got all of the stuff out that was in it, some money, a flask with water in it, a hairbrush , some fruit and a small knife. It was all that I was able to take from home when I left and although I might have needed some more stuff this was enough to carry around for now. I fidgeted around some with my knife as I sat down on my bed, it felt sturdy yet flexible enough so that you could sleep on it. I put the knife down and put my head on the pillow that was on the bed. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep and I hoped that tomorrow would be better then today was...

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