Chapter 15 Tell The Truth

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    I laugh as she puts her feet up. I hear a growl in the back. Addy jumps up and has a knife in her hand. She kills the Z even before I see it. She just looks down at the zombies body. She falls to her knees and puts her hands on her face I hear her cry. I walk up to her and grabbed her shoulder and I pull her up and I hold him in a hug she just keeps crying.
    She pulls away and sits on the couch.
    "Ill get rid of it" she nods in her hands. I grab the body and throw it over my shoulder I go to the front door and leave the house. I put the body beside the house so she won't see it. I walk back in to her sleeping on the couch. I just smile but I know she will wake up with a scream. I walk to the kitchen it has a window looking out to a field i see a horse standing there. I'm confused because why would there be a horse. I also see roses back there. I walk to the back door and walk out. The horse looks at me it is a golden brown with a white diamond on its head. I walk to the roses and pick a couple for Addy. As I stand up from getting the flowers i feel breathing on my shoulder. I slowly turn to see the horse standing there. I touch his face the weird thing is that he lets me. I see a bridle around his face I see a small engraving of a name on it. I look closer and see the name King. I turn and walk back to the house King follows as i get to the door I hear a scream. I open the door and run to Addy. She just looks up with tears in her eyes. I hand her the flowers it makes her smile.
    "There beautiful" Addy says
    "Well i have another surprise you might like better" she jumps up and follows me to the back door. King just stands there.
    "Tommy you found a horse!"
    "He is living here" Addy smiles and walks to king. She pets him she smiles the whole time. King looks down to Addy and rubs his nose on her shoulder. She giggles. King starts to trot away. Addy smiles and waves at him. After a minute he is gone. She runs to me and kisses me.
    "I love you!" she whispers
    "I love you too" she smiles and kisses me again. I pull away and ask "So since we are alone and we haven't done it in awhile. Will go on a date with me? I'll make dinner"
    She smiles and looks at me, I know she is going to say a joke "Well i already have a date tonight," she laughs
    "With who?"
    "With you silly" she smiles "you know dinner is a bonus"
    "I know that's how you get any girl"
    "What other girls are you seeing?" she asks
    "You know Jessica, Megan, Rebecca"
    "So I have to fight for you?"
    "Well they better run i have a gun and im not afraid to use it"
    "But your the only one that has my heart" she giggles and runs in the house.
    "Ok chief i'm hungry what's for dinner?"
    "Now that's a surprise. You take a shower the water is running and ill cook dinner"
    She runs up to me and kisses me and runs up the stairs. I look through the coverlets and find some alphabet soup i grab both the cans and grab two bowls. I walk to the microwave and see its still working i put them each in for two minutes. I hear the water turn off. I put the bowls on the table. She walks down the stairs smiling. She walks to the chair and sits down she just giggles.
    "Well eat" she takes a bite and smiles. She finishes it and walks over to the couch where she put the walky talky. She picks it up and turns it on.
    "Ash how is everything going?" it just static. She gives me a worried look and then Ash's voice cuts in.
    "Addy stop worrying and have fun. I'm turning this off you sleep and enjoy yourself." then we hear it turns off.
    She sits on the couch and I sit beside her. She lays down with her head on my lap. She looks up to me.
    "I miss her Tommy i really miss her" tears roll down her cheeks.
    "Maddi?" I ask she nods.
    "I wish she was here with me"
    "I know" I kiss her on the head. I wipe away her tears with my thumb. "Know what i miss?"
    "What?" she asks confused.
    "My dad, and you being happy."
    "Im sorry Tommy. I'll try to be more happy."
    "And I miss your art" I tell her.
    She smiles "i miss doing art." I stand up and look around the house. I hear Addy yell "Tommy what are you doing?"
    "It's a surprise." I look around the house for a drawing book. I find a nice black leather one in one of the rooms. I look through a desk to find pencils and i find lots. I walk back to the livingroom and i have the sketchbook and pencils behind my back. She gives me a smile. I slowly move to show it. She stands up and gives me a hug.
    "What are you going to draw?"
    "My family" she says with a smile. She sits at the table and starts to draw. I lay on the couch and close my eyes. I hear her humming.
    I wake up to her fast asleep beside me. I sneak past her and look in the sketch book. The first drawing i see is Emily Snow her mom. The next page is her dad Chris Snow. then there is Maddi her twin sister. They are all beautiful i turn the page and see Ash. then there is innocent Lizzy. Then there is a stunning photo of me. Then there is a picture of Chloe then Grace. Then there's Chase and Murphy. The last drawing is the best her smiling. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I turn to see Addy standing there.
    "There beautiful" she smiles and kisses me.
    "Im tired lets head to bed" she says i smile we go to the bedroom and we lay down and we both fall asleep fast.

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