Chapter 7 Burned

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Ash comes running down the stairs "Why are you screaming? We are trying to sleep! Wait is Addy dead?"
I walk to him his hair in a mess and his knife in his hand, I give him a slight slap on the back of his head "No you idiot. We found the cure!"
"What cure? And why are you still alive?" he mutters confused.
"I'm immune and my blood maybe the cure" I yell in excitement.
"Ok. How do you know your immune and the cure? I know what you'll say "I got a bit and I'm alive" he impersonated me.
"We tried something! I put my blood on Tommy's shirt and the zombies would not bite him!" I yell so everyone can hear.
"OK. So what are we going to do about it" Ash adds.
Tommy cuts in "Go to a place it can be distributed! Like Washington D. C"
Ash rolls his eyes "Can we have something to eat before we go?
"Yes. I'll look what this house has. Probably has some stale cereal" I walk over to the kitchen and look through the cupboards and the last cupboard I look there is some stale old cereal. I grab it and put it on the table. I go back into the kitchen and look out the window I see the river rushing. The sun hits it at the perfect time that the water doesn't look blue anymore but green. I see the trees dancing in the wind. I just stare for a moment and think of what life used to be.
"What are you doing" Tommy startled me making me jump. He walks up to me and puts his arms around my waist he leans in and breathes on my neck he kisses gently.
"Just thinking of what life used to be" I say slowly. He lets go of my waist and stops kissing my neck I turned around to look at him. "We should eat before it's all gone" I smile and say as a joke. He nods we walk to the table where everyone is all eating cereal. I sit at the table and grab a handful of cereal I stand back up and walk back to the window. I finish my hand full of cereal and I just stare at the beautiful river I get lost in my thoughts. After a couple of minutes I see zombies walking out of the river.
"Uh guys. We should go zombies are coming!" I yell
Tommy comes running in and nods at me "We need to find another vehicle. The van is out of gas."
I nod grab my weapons and head out the front door no zombies are there, but they are coming. I look at the neighbour's driveway and there is a big black truck. I ran to the truck jump in and hot wire it. The tank is full. I see everyone else ran out of the house, and they get into the truck.
"Murphy you drive! Me and Tommy will stay in the back of the truck and watch for zombies" he nods I jump out of the car. Tommy puts his hand out from the back of the truck I grab his hand, and he pulls me up. We both get our rifles out ready to kill some zombies we put the barrel of the gun on the top of the truck to steady it. Tommy hits the side of the truck to tell Murphy it's time to go. I feel the truck go in reverse, and we back out of the driveway once we are out of the driveway we drive through downtown. We get out of the city and onto the highway. Me and Tommy probably shot 20 zombies thought the time we were driving. We have probably had been driving for two hours when we pull to a stop. Me and Tommy jump down, and we walked over to the window of the truck.
"What's wrong?" I ask Murphy
"Just stopping to pee. Were out of gas this truck drinks it" Murphy replays.
"Ok let's go to the bathroom. The last sign I saw showed that it about 38 minutes away by car." I explain.
"We don't want to walk that far" Murphy says with a worried look.
"Ok lets go to the bathroom and start walking if we find a gas station and its not far from here we'll come back or if there's a car there will take that" I explained.
He nods and jumps out the truck we walk into the field and all go to the bathroom, but we take turns. After everyone went to the bathroom we start to walk. Ash and Chase talk the whole time. Chloe and Grace talk the whole walk too. Lizzy and Murphy stay quiet the whole time. Me and Tommy talk about the old times. About thirty minutes later we find a gas station. We walk up to it and there is a young girl strapped to a car she is all cut all over.
I ran over to her and try to undo the rope on her arms she is barely alive she is starved and dehydrated I'm surprised she lasted this long without being eaten. Tommy runs up to me and pulls me back. "Tommy we need to save her!" 
He cuts the rope and puts the girl down to the ground he puts his ear on her chest.
"She is alive barely" Tommy say sadly.
I opened my bag and grab my water I open the girls mouth and slowly pours water into her mouth. She flutters her eyes open her eyes the color of wood. She opens her mouth and whispers something but I can't understand her. I move my ear to her lips and
She whispers "Please don't hurt me"
"We won't. You hungry" I ask
She nods I grab one of the granola bars from my bag and I open the bar and hand it to her she slowly eats it. I stand up and walk over to one of the cars I open the door and sit in the driver's seat and I hot wire it to see how much gas is in it. Its almost full.
"We got one car but I'll get two. Murphy you drive this car. Lizzy, Chloe, Grace, and Chase. Then I'll drive the other car and it will be me, Tommy, Ash, and that girl" they all nod. Ash comes up to me ready to argue, but he changed his mind and turned around. I go to another car and hot wire it Tommy helps the girl in the car Ash sits beside her, Tommy sits in the passenger seat. I opened my window and yell "Follow me ok" Murphy nods. We sit in the car for 4 more hours and the girl with in and out of consciousness. We finally get to D. C and all you could see was fire and zombies.
"There's nothing" Lizzy says with confusion
"They said they were going to bomb most populated areas. But this was no bomb. Maybe they went underground they said there were secret passages under the white house maybe they are there" I say unsure.
"Were not going to get through this by car there are hundreds of them" Tommy says
"Then we go back a bit, and then we'll get out and I'll put blood on everyone then we can walk through here safely" I say
"Ok on one condition you will try to sleep tonight" Tommy says with a serious face. I nod and turn the car around and Murphy follows me. We drive one km out of the city and stop I step out of the car and so does everyone else but the girl we saved she was asleep.
"We need to get into the city so there are two ways we can do it the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is I put my blood on your shirts, and we can just walk thought there easily with no problems. The hard way is we go in guns blazing and kill them all. So let's take a vote easy put your hand up" all of them put their hands up "ok that's my answer".

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