Chapter 1 The End

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About a month ago the world went to hell. As the world slowly got destroyed, the human race died of the "b-z" virus, now the world's most deadly virus. I remember the day it all happened. I was studying with Tommy, my best friend and boyfriend.

We were sitting in the library when Ashley walked in. She sat behind me in math class and was always so mean to our classmates and teacher.

Suddenly, she collapsed to the floor. I ran to her, and she looked up, her eyes the color of a ravens feathers. In shock, I stood up and ran back to my bag. I rummaged inside for the knife that my dad gave me when we heard about the virus on the news.

"Is this the virus that the news was talking about?" Tommy asked. "I heard you have to kill it - stab it in the brain!" he continued yelling.

"I know, that's what I'm going to do!" I screamed. As I looked through my bag for the knife.

As though she heard me, Ashley jumped up and ran towards Tommy.
"HELP!" Tommy screamed in desperation, his eyes widening in fear.
I found the knife and grabbed the back of the head, of the infected girl and plunged the knife into her skull.
It was hard to kill her, even though I didn't like her when she was alive. She didn't deserve to die. I tried to pull the knife out but it was wedged so deeply in her skull that I had to put my foot on the back and push her down. As the knife released, an oil spill colored liquid came out of her head when she hit the floor. Everyone else in the library start to scream. I release tears, tears for Ashely she was only 17 she had so much more life to live.

"Tommy, we have to go! You head home and save your dad, I have to get Ash and Lizzy." He nodded.

"Meet you at your place" he said.

Maddi, my twin sister, went home sick. She is my best friend. I hoped she was ok. Ash, is my little brother and even when he is ignoring me and causing trouble I still love him and I feel the need to protect him. Then there is my little sister, Lizzy. She has such a good heart. She is helpful and nice. I hope we can all make it through this misery together.
I ran out the door. My heart was racing. My family! I hope they are ok. They are everything to me. I ran to the Science lab where Ash was. I ran in and over to him.

"We have to go! Maddi is at home. She went home sick, and we have to go to the junior high school to get Lizzy." he rolled his eyes and nodded. He hates it, when I tell him what to do. We ran out the door and ran to the school across the street. I ran in the door and raced to her classroom and told her teacher "Lizzy is leaving now."

"You can't take her home. Your parents have to call it in" the teacher says with surprise.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't have time to explain. I grabbed Lizzy by the hand and pulled her out the door. When we left the school, more people walked up to us and you could see that they had the virus. The raven's feather colored their eyes, their mouths dripped ooze black as coal. Some of them were cut up, one had guts hanging to the ground you could see everything. The smell was the worst the smell of rotten eggs and a sewage plant mix together all I wanted to do was puke but I couldn't I had to stay strong for my siblings.

"They have the virus! There! Zombies!"

One ran up to Lizzy and tried to bite her. It's jaw opened, the black liquid came leaking out. Its eyes had no soul at all in them. I still had the knife in my hand and I stabbed it in the head.

"AHH!" Lizzy screamed.

"Shhh" I cautioned. "They are drawn towards sounds. Come on," I motioned for my siblings to follow.

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