My Apology to you

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I am sorry I have been MIA lately but I've had ideas for other projects started and finished a short story the shortest story I've ever written 8 pages or was it 10 who knows and today I've just had one of those days you know the ones where you laugh your butt of have a great time with you friends the semi good day where you hang with your crush and you have a perf time but your a extra clutz so your bumping into things people are picking fights with you and you feel mocked you cry a little because you realize something you should have earlier, you feel sick towards the end of the day and all you wanna do is sleep but that's not happening so you text people instead and put in your headphones the type of day where everything goes perfectly and horribly. I had one of those day my eyes hurt from crying my throat is dry but I had a great day mixed with a horrible one and I also realized how much I miss writing its one of my true passions whether I have a talent for it or not. Anywho so I just wanted to say to anyone who has made it this far in the book thank you for reading I'm sorry for being MIA I have also been helping a friend with her book called I'm your cure the apostrophe is needed to find it and I've been distracted and I just wanted to clarify that I will finish this book one way or another and I'm not giving up on it and I'll be back when I can. And when I find time to write which I should be doing now when all I want is to sleep.

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