I Am So So So Sorry You Guys

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I know you guys are probably tired of these stupid Author's notes from yours truly. However I've been busy lately, a little preoccupied due to finals and all these last minute tests and I've been working a lot on finishing my one line class...i hate it. I wish I had more time to write because when I have an idea I don't have the time and when I have the time I'm not inspired and I don't want you guys to have waited so long and I lost something that's complete crap. Sorry it's just that finals have been kicking my butt and I've been preoccupied with other things to. Also my mind has been else where, but I promise I swear on my spirt animal(the white wolf), and the moon goddess soon you guys and my books will have my undivided attention for a while. Since you know schools out in 3 and a half more days....wait I think I lied you guys won't have my full undivided attention my friend would kill me if I didn't spend time with my boyfriend and she will kill me if I don't update so either way I am dead. Where was I going with this again oh yeah just bear with me a few more days and I should have Lifestyle and Philophobia updated and soon after The Truth About Love should be updated too.

Love💗 you my little pups🐕

Yours truly 👯👯
The Alpha, White_wolf13🐾🐾

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