Chapter One: Arriving In Konoha

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It's been six years since that day.

I've been training as hard as I can with my taijutsu, genjutsu, and my ninjutsu. I have also memorized the whole scroll and even added some of my own that I created.

I've been feeling a bit funny lately though... Like there's something deep within me just dying to get out.

That sounds quite disturbing but it's hard to explain. It's been there ever since I opened the scroll. When I first opened it, a bright light came from it and I felt all of the chakra surround me. It was too much that I passed out.

When I woke up, there was a weird mark on my chest. It was like a tattoo... A dragon... If only father was here to tell me what it is. He had the same one but told me he'd tell me when I was older.

After that day, I've traveled all around. I met a nice boy with red hair from the Sand Village, weird people from the Sound Village, and a nice boy from the Hidden Mist Village.

My father told me about the Hidden Leaf Village. He was good friends with the hokage so I was hoping he could help me get information on Orochimaru.

When I reach the village, two chūnin stop me.

"Woah there, kid, where are your parents? Are you from here?"

"No. I'm here to see Lord Hokage. My name is (Y/N) Himura. My father was close with Lord Third so if you'd let me, I'd like to talk with him," I say casually.

They both look at each other, shocked anyone from the Himura Clan survived. After talking to each other for a bit, one of them guides you inside.

You look around the village. It all seems... Peaceful.

I hear shouting and faint footsteps then look up at the the carved faces on the mountain. There was paint all over the faces. I hold in a laugh at the funny faces, not wanting to seem disrespectful.

After walking a whole bunch of steps, we reach the Hokage's office. He seemed to be painting something.

"Lord Hokage, this girl came to see you... She's from the Himura Clan."

The Hokage drops his paint brush in shock and quickly looks at me.

"H-Himura Clan? No way! They said there were no survivors. You resemble him a lot... I assume you're (Y/N), daughter of (F/N) Himura. Why have you come here?" he asks, still in shock.

"I've come seeking for help. I want revenge. This was all Orochimaru's doing and my father told me that he was your student," I explain.

"You know quite a lot for being so young. I'd expect nothing less from someone from the Himura Clan. I have no idea where Orochimaru is hiding or what his plans are. All I know is he wants as much power as he can get and won't let anyone get in the way. Unfortunately, your father angered him by not giving him it. The scroll you have on your back... That's the scroll, right?"

I nod at him, reaching back to make sure it's secure.

"Yes, my father told me to keep it on me at all times and make sure nothing happens to it so that's what I plan on doing. If you don't mind, is it alright if I stay in the village for awhile? I'm sick of going village to village. I'd like to train more and settle for a bit."

Third gives me the biggest smile.

"Of course! Your father has done a lot for me in the past, I owe him a great debt. This is the least I can do. Izumo, can you give her some money and a room next to Naruto? I heard he caused a ruckus again, maybe having a friend will help calm him," Third says to the guy who brought me here.

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