Perfect (2)

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Sitting in a room filled with other members of law enforcement Emma stares at the face of Matt McKinnon. He smiles back at her with a broad, carefree grin. They have been provided with a picture from his file, in which he was still in a crisp uniform, much like that many of those around her are wearing.

Matt is attractive, yet there is nothing particularly distinctive about him - average height with a trim physique, brown hair and almond eyes. In fact, Emma had a hard time placing him from the previous meetings. He blended in and used that to his advantage.

The forensic lab technician that had been running the tests knew Matt, and as soon as the results had come back, he had made a phone call to the Toronto Chief - ignoring typical protocol. This was anything but a typical scenario.

Ron had been about fourth on the list of those deemed necessary to be informed.

Matt McKinnon, as they were currently being informed, had risen to the ranks of Inspector based on a series of factors. He had an exceptional closure rate, he was well liked by his peers with an easy disposition and had never received a civil complaint against him. Even when he took the stand to testify, the defendant had yet to be able to come up with anything to alter his image to the jury. Needless to say, prosecutors loved him.

His psychological exams did not show any flags and he had scored above average on all of his aptitude testing.

On paper, Matt was the ideal officer. Hidden behind the façade was a serial killer.


He had caught another lucky break. He had been out of the office when he heard his name come across the radio. The way the static clicked, as he heard 'Matt McKinnon', still wrung in his ears. The first chance he had, he ditched his car. From there, he was not entirely sure what to do.

It would take a couple of hours at most before his picture would be distributed to all the media outlets.

His face would be everywhere.

He could not exactly go home.

Poor Mrs. Keel, what she must think of him.

That thought did not matter, it is irrelevant nor a thing that he could remake. The past was set, and it is now time to focus on the present. He could only wander the streets for so long before someone would recognize him.

This is it, it is finally over.

He studies his reflection in the film covered display of the vacant store front he stands before. The interior is empty with the exception of some discolored tarps and cleaning supplies strewn across the room. Movement on the street behind him, slightly distorts the image.

There she is ...She is perfect.

A/N: I added some more background information about Matt, any comments on whether it is enough or could use more is greatly appreciated.

I hope you are enjoying!!! Only a few more chapters to go!

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