Who's Next - part 1

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"So who's next?"

Emma mulls over the question Ron has just asked her. "I hate to admit this, but I am not sure - I do know how we can narrow it down."

Emma pointed at the timeline she had created before continuing, "The next victims will have a variation of the name Elizabeth and Catherine. He had stuck roughly to their ages so probably mid-forties. Elizabeth Stride's body had been discovered in Dutfield's Yard and Catherine Eddowes body in Mitre Square - so we just need to find where that would be here."

Ron studied Emma as she spoke, the ardor shone in her eyes. Her hands animated, wildly moving about her slender frame as she went through her explanation. He enjoyed her fervor, on most people it would come across as over done and yet he found that it suited her. It was for that and other reasons that he had made the call.

In his career, there were very few of the new generation of officers that had impressed Ron. It is one of the reasons he has been looking forward to retiring. He still has roughly fifteen years to go and he was not sure how he was going to last. Emma gave him a little bit of hope. She had a passion for her livelihood. A passion that Ron also had when he started out. He knew that he had found the replacement for his last partner. He would have to pull strings, something he was not accustomed or in the habit of doing, but it would be Emma. Of that he was certain.

Earlier that evening, after Emma had filled him in on everything, Ron had taken a break to make a few calls and put in motion to have Emma transferred in as his partner. He had promised his boss that they had new information and quickly given all the credit to Emma. It was good news for the precinct and he knew that it would help in his plight to get what he wanted.

With everything set in play, he just needed to get Emma on board with it. Ron decided to approach the subject straight on. "I think - no I want - you to be my partner. At least on this. We can talk about longer term at a later date." Ron ran his fingers through his hair before placing his hands back on the table, across from him Emma was sitting shell shocked.

Emma had stopped mid-sentence. Her mind raced as the statement bounced around, pulling questions to it. "No."

"Can I ask why not?"

"This is where I am meant to be." Emma motions around the room. Ron looks around and then back at her. She could not get a read on what he was thinking, he just sat there emotionless and silent. They are at a stalemate.

"Okay. Thank you for your help." Ron reaches across the table and grabbed the file from Emma. He pushes back his chair and rises to leave the room.

Nervously Emma wraps her fingers on the table. A mixture of feelings crush her chest as she watches Ron make his way for the door. She has made the right decision - using her attributes where they are best suited - yet something is off. Emma felt wrong not seeing it through, she could not just hand this over.

"Just this one case?"

"If we get approval...then yes."

"I need to catch Ethan, my partner, up on my stuff..."

"Do what you need to do. I have a meeting with my Staff Sergeant tomorrow morning at 8:30 before we arrange a meeting with all the Chiefs. I know its short notice but you should be there. He already made the call to your supervisor, you are cleared to come."

Emma nods in agreement and with that Ron left the room. Checking her watch Emma realizes that she had less than eight hours to prepare. As she makes her way back to her crammed cubicle she is sure Ethan would be dying to know what has just happened.

She is right.

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