"This is it, the apocalypse."- I turned the volume up.- "Whoa."- I diverted my attention to the window.- "I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones."-I opened it and I let my body feel the vibrations of the music that was completely dominating the car.

    I clutched the steering wheel further with my hands and leaned against the car seat, carrying slightly more in accelerator.- "Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive!" -I screamed.- "Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive , radioactive!"

     Honestly, there is no time of the day, or just any time I like better than the ones I spend singing in the car alone at night. I've always been a strangely-fearful-and-courageous-at-the-same-time person. I can be either one of them, depends of the moment.

     In minutes, the view of my apartment appeared to my eyes. I parked the car and left it, running into the building, then to the elevator and consequently into my house. I went in, locked the foor, threw my bag to the couch -once again falling in the ground, and once again not caring- and calmed my step up to my room.

    I put on my pajamas and slipped on my bed, thinking how embarrassing it would be if I had to leave my home for any emergency and had no time to change clothes. Everyone would see my white pajamas with blue polka dots scattered here and there.

     Well, that wouldn't be good.


"Why?"- I cried.- "Why can't anyone leave me alone?!"- I shouted to the pillow, snuggling even more into the blankets.- "Ugh."- I, reluctantly, got up from bed and rubbing my eyes, I walked to where the infernal noise was coming from.

"Yes?!"- I took my phone, which was on the ground, and lifted it to my ear, sitting up in the bed.


"What the hell you want?"- I interrupted her, in a calmer tone than the first one.

"Where are you?"- Mary asked.

"Where would I be?"- I replied to her question with another question, giving myself a mental self-five for the good choice of words.


"Wait- what?"- I stood up and looked around me.

"There are 10 minutes left to them to begi-" -I hung up in her face.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Oh, my shitty shit."- I whispered, running from side to side, looking for my boots, my clothes and my coat.- "Shit."

"Damn!"- I yelled, already with the books in my hands and on the way out, remembering that I didn't brush my teeth or my hair.- "You've got to be kidding me!"

      I quickly entered the bathroom, and at the same pace that I entered the bathroom, I left the apartment, donating ''shit's" to whoever wanted to catch them on the way to the car. My neighbors must think that I am a really, really good person for my generosity. Well, let's just say that not everyone walks every day with an open heart and hands, to offer profanity and insults.


      It was now 8:10 am. I was 10 minutes late. Fantastic, just fantastic! Plus late: stressed and there is a great probability that my face is as red as a tomato. Damn. I was now running through the empty halls looking for my auditorium. And to improve my day, my first class, the class that I'm 10 minutes late for, is Understanding Architecture.

    There are people around the world that are loved, loved only by their existence... And then, there's me. I'm lucky for not breaking a leg in the way here.

"What are you doing?"- someone shouted behind me, as I was turning a corner.

     At the same moment, a millisecond, that I started slowing down and turning my head back to look at who had screamed, I slammed against something hard. Something so hard.

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