| II | Paper x OJ (that's my art mate)

Start from the beginning

That's okay, though, because I love cats.

Around ten minutes later, when we're through hanging out, we head towards the door. When I turn the knob, however, I inmmediatley hear muffled excited talking and footsteps running away. Thay sounded like, uh..


Shrugging it off, but still bracing myself for a prank, I open the door. I hear a squeal. Looking back at Paper, I can confirm that he is equally as confused. Turning ahead again, I begin to walk into the hallway when Fan zips up and stops me.

"Oj, Paper, stop! I think you forgot something!"

I become even more puzzled. "Forgot something? But I never carry anything around with me, you must be mistaken."

Fan can hardly contain a huge grin as he points up. (He has the one-note conversation face on right now- *w h e e z e*) I look at where he's pointing, and the stop. I'm assuming Paper saw, too, because his grip on my hand tightened.

Fan looks like he's about to burst if he isn't given permission to talk, so I slight nod, still minorly startled at the situation. "NOWYOUTWOHAVETOKISS!!THISISYOURFIRSTTIME,RIGHT?YOU'DBETTERMAKEITCOUNT!I'LLBEWATCHING!!" Then, he runs away.

..and returns shortly with a poorly hidden polaroid camera. I can literally see the lens under the cloth (a glasses cleaning cloth, to be precise).

"F-Fan?? Did you p-put that there??" Paper stutters next to me, gesturing upwards. Fan nods excitedly, then squeaks. Yes, squeaks. I have no idea how the hell he made a mouse noise, bit he did. The squeak was.. entirely out if context. There was literally no other words.. just wild nodding, then a squeak.

Paper's posture is hunched shoulders, a deeply flushed face, and eyes swapping from Fan to the misletoe to Me. 

"I have to, uh. Kiss you now? I said, actually completley calm despite my million-miles-an-hour heartbeat and heated face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Fan jumping impatiently on the other side of the hallway, but paid no mind. Paper was recieving all of my attention right now.

He tried to talk several times, but failed to speak. I realized a few seconds later that I was gonna hafta make this happen. I had to kiss him.

If we stood here staring at each other any longer, it would become awkward; now, I decided.

Now I'll make the move.

I moved in slow, without meaning to. I think the flirt buried deep inside me was taking over at this moment, telling me to take my goddamn time. I think I may have gone a bit too slow, because about a centimeter vefore contact, Paper leaned back. I saw his nervous face for a moment, and just smiled slightly. "C'mon, handsome. We can do this."

He instantly became flustered again, saying , "that's not helping me become calm at all! You know when you compliment me I get all defensive and I-" I slid my hands from right under his shoulders to rest on his sides. That shut him up. 

How can I DO THIS?? am I using some unknown SUPERPOWER right now??? I'm FLIPPING OUT on the inside, but COMPLETLEY FLIRTATIOUS ON THE OUTSIDE!! But- like I have to kiss him! Like NOW-! It's the MISLETOE RULE!! Curse you, MISLETOE!!

While Paper is still mentally registering the location of my hands on him, I breathe in and exhale through my nose. He looks up just in time to see me lean in quicker than the last time..

And kiss him.

D I R E C T L Y  O N  T H E  L I P S.

It lasts no more than a second while we zone out Fan's fanboying in the background. When I pull away, Paper is COMPLETLEY speechless.. and so am I.

Flirt mode: OFF.

I let go of him, suddenly mirroring his posture: hunched shoulders, flushed face, wide eyes and left with no ability to talk.

Paper blinks while I'm still thinking over what I did in slow motion, then I subconciously see him lift his arms, hesitate, the lift them again. Then land on the top of shoulders. This time it's my turn to be startled. He kisses me. 

I think, uh.. this one lasted longer (see the picture at the top, but just make it humanized). His hands cupped my face,  and mine held his. I think it was about eight seconds long.

When this kiss ended, we were both knocked into reality by Fan fanboy screaming in the background, and then I realized with a crash of emberassment that the hallway was slowly filling up. All I did was look at them all, grab Paper's hand and dash back into our room. I closed the door, hyperventalating a little.. Paper was doing the same. We were both so flustered!

When we finally stopped freaking out, we looked at each other again. 

Staring ensues.

After about three seconds, though, I snort, and then we laugh. We laugh together, not really questioning the source of the laughter. All we know is that we're thinking the exact same thing:

"Thanks, Fan."


Oooooh my GOD!! I LOVE writing about kisses! I think you can tell by now, though. XD

I don't have much time to write rn, so I'mma just cut short here.. I love y'all! Chekpck out my D u m p book! 


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