Mitchel and You

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The soft, calming breeze brushed my dark hair out of my face. On a warm day like today, it felt like heaven. I was sitting in a tree. That sounds a bit weird doesn't it? But that was where I was, and it was my favourite place in the whole world. It was an apple tree, big and strong, at least 50 years old. It's higher branches seemed to cascade around me and hide me from the world and it's troubles.

I leaned back against the trunk and gently cradled my guitar in my lap. Strumming a few chords, I worked on the song I was writing at that moment. The chords seemed to have the flow I wanted and soon I was lost in my own little bubble. That was the main reason I loved my tree, no one else had ever come there, while I was using it as my haven.

"Its a rainbow in the storm,

See it shine for you,

It will keep you safe from harm,

Stop the thunder too,

Be your smiles and your warmth,

Be your rainbow in the storm." I sang, clear and confident, only because I thought no one could hear me.

Suddenly, a loud applause came from below my little branch. I nearly fell out of the tree, it frightened me so much. Peering down, I saw a boy standing there, with a smile that made my stomach flip. His dark hair was brushed upward to one side, his eyes a mesmerising greeny-grey. His t-shirt was loose and his jeans were rolled up to just above his ankles, which complemented his thin, yet firm looking legs.

Smiling back, I said, "You know it is rude to eavesdrop." I joked, playfully.

"Sorry, I was visiting my friend in town and needed a bit of space. This place just felt like the perfect spot. If it makes any difference, you were amazing!" he grinned, making me blush slightly. "I'm Mitchel, by the way."

"Y/N. So are you coming up or am I coming down?" I asked, cheerfully. Nothing could have ruined my happy mood, even eavesdroppers, so I decided I would get to know him.

As I was only a few metres above the ground, he managed to swiftly pull himself up in one motion. If it was me, I would have had to climb up one branch at a time, but him, just casually flex his muscles and he's up.

He looked at the sunset in the distant horizon and smiled at me, "This really is an amazing place."

"Yeah, I come here to just get away, you know?" I looked down at my guitar. "Do you play?" My friends would know, but I didn't let just anybody touch my baby. But I really felt as if I had known Mitch my whole life.

Mitchel just nodded and gently pulled the guitar out of my hands. He must have known how a guitarist loves their guitar so he seemed to take extra care. "May I?"

I nodded, not wanting to break the companionable silence between us. His long, thin fingers stroked the strings softly, and began to play. The chords rang out as he slowly came closer to me. Soon, his warm, lean body was next to mine, the touch making me shiver slightly.

Then he sang. His voice, melodic and sweet. Every note with perfect pitch, he said I was amazing, he must have been out of this world.

"We'll watch the time fly,

Touch the blue sky,

Hold your fingers,

In between mine.

Cause you are beautiful,

Nothing less than, beautiful,

Every time I see you,

Is every single time I need to say,

You're beautiful and you take my breath away," he sang, each word seemed like they were directed towards me.

He smiled again, softly this time, gazing into my eyes. Though at first mesmerised, I was the first to look away, with the blush creeping back.

Mitchel chuckled, his laughter almost as melodic as his song, "You are so cute when you blush!"

I wasn't sure if he was joking or not, but even so, his comment made me blush harder. With the atmosphere, a little bit awkward, I decided to make the most of the situation.

"Tag, your it!" I exclaimed, before quickly jumping out of the apple tree. "Be careful with my guitar!" Then I ran off, further in the star dotted meadow, laughing loudly.

"Oh, Y/N! I'm coming!" he teased.

Stopping to catch my breath, at the next tree, I looked behind me to see where Mitchel was. He couldn't be seen anywhere! Was he still in the tree? My guitar was at the base of it, but where was the dark haired boy I longed for?

Just as quickly as I had taken off, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind and lifted me up. I yelped as they swirled me around before placing me are fully back on the ground.

"Mitchel!" I giggled as I turned around. "How did you catch up so fast?"

"I'm just too fast, strong and smarter than you! Nah, I'm kidding, but seriously," he said, trying to keep a straight face.

I burst out laughing and soon so did he, we both fell to lay in the soft green grass. I turned on my side, to see that he had already rolled to face me. We both grinned, then lay back down to stare at the clouds.

His firm hand found mine and linked us together as the breeze made the grass flow around us.

"I'm so glad, I came to visit Brock is weekend," he chuckled, with a sigh.

I looked at him, his eyes shut and a huge smile on his pale face.

"Cause otherwise I wouldnt have met you, Y/N."










How cute was that? This has to be my favourite onesie so far! It was going to be a Tyrone one, but I thought cause Mitch and Christian played the guitar, it was between them.

So chickadees, how was it? Did you like the song the girl sings? I wrote it myself, am pretty proud! Hhhahahah jokes its actualky pretty bad... Comment and let me know!



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