
Eniiyi cried out in pain. Someone was shaking her violently and her whole aching bones were rattling together. She opened her eyes, confused as to what she had done to warrant such punishment.

A panicked face of Lastborn loomed over her. His face was contorted in fear and he was babbling, and it looked like he was crying too. She squinted, trying to make out what he was saying but everything was jumbled up and unintelligible. So she opted to sit straighter and then started to stretch her arms in a yawn when she noticed the tension around her.

She instantly dropped her arms, her heart beat skipping a second. What had happened? Why was everyone in a cowering stance? She could hardly make out the shapes of the people behind her, they were all bent over their knees, as though they were trying to hide from something. The same thing for the other passengers. Soft sobs permeated the air. Some people were murmuring prayers.

'... have to get down! Eniiyi!'

She could now make out what the boy was saying. He looked furtively outside then diverted his gaze immediately, ducking his head and trying to pull her down with him.

She resisted his pull and raised her head. What she saw made her blood run cold and any trace of sleep still dawdling on her disappeared instantly.

Gunmen! There were a number of men armed with huge guns outside the bus and it looked like they were arguing with the bus driver. One of them started to turn towards the bus and Eniiyi ducked, hitting her forehead on the seat in front of her.

'What . . . why? What happened?' She whispered to Lastborn, rubbing at her smarting forehead.

'They just came out of nowhere and stopped the bus. They told the driver to come out. That was when you woke up.'

'They've come to rob us!'

'No, they kill people!'

'Is no one going to call the police?'

'We're in the middle of nowhere.'

Eniiyi suddenly had an idea. The thought of it made her shiver but she knew she had to at least try it. She only prayed she didn't get caught and then shot to death. That would be horrible!

'Move over!' she shouted to Lastborn in a whisper and, before he could fully understand her command, shoved him over and took his place by the window, going lower in a crouch.

'Oh God, Eniiyi, what are you doing? Do you want to die?'

She ignored him and half-raised her camera so that the lens was just up on the glass window, over the vehicle body and bent to take multiple pictures of the men outside. It was a good thing she had turned the flash off earlier or she would have been spotted.

After, she squatted on the floor and looked through the pictures she had taken, most came out clearly, showing the faces of the men.

'In case we get saved,' she said and smiled feebly at Lastborn, although her whole body was now shaking in fear.

Suddenly, one of the men banged on the door and the cowering passengers gasped collectively.

'In fact everybody should get down! Everybody make una commot da bus!'

The door pulled opened and a hand shot in, dragging the guy nearest to the door out by his shirt.

'Oya, gerrout!' he shouted and raised his firearm at the people.

In a moment of desperation Eniiyi stuffed her camera into the nearest hiding place, Lastborn's bag. It was just a hand-stretch away.

The people at the back were now climbing over her to do the robber's bidding. Some climbed over chairs, afraid they'd be shot for delaying.

Alacrimia | √حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن