The Marks of Love

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     Everyone has a mark. Your soulmate has the same mark in the same spot. I am eagerly awaiting meeting my soulmate. I believe he will carry me away into the happy ending I've always dreamt about. I went into the kitchen. Doric stood cooking eggs on the stove in only his boxers.

     "Like what you see?" He said in his usual flirtatious manner.

     "Yes, yes, I do." He turned around confused. He knew my view on soulmates and he was definitely not him, or her I don't care but I think it will be a guy. I pointed at the eggs and he deflated. "Those eggs look delicious. Don't burn them." I continued pushing past him. His face returned to its usual, reserved for me, annoyed expression. Doric was good looking I guess, with that whole tall, dark, and handsome thing going on. He was very tall and did not play basketball, no matter how many people asked. I lived with him and he was my best friend, but both of us were not attracted to each other. He was a one night stand type guy and I was waiting for my soulmate before anything. "Make sure to not to use too much salt." I dug around the refrigerator for something else. There were like forty half finished bottles of beer in there. Okay so maybe ten, but you get the point. "Doric. I am going to throw away all of this tomorrow." He pouted.

     We bantered all through breakfast and we parted ways to work. I am a librarian. I am known as the Harry Potter nerd and the one to go to for advice on which romance or fantasy novel to get. Today I was stuck with storytime. It's not that I don't like toddlers, it's just... well okay I don't like toddlers. The drool and inability to stay still to read. *shudder* I like hanging out with tweens and teens. Ones that are old enough to read Harry Potter. I walked over to the corner lined with cardboard book and beginner reader books. There were four screaming toddlers and two running around destroying the place. Wouldn't this be fun. Yay. Anyway as soon as the annoying children's parents had picked them all up, fifteen minutes late, I went to shelve books. After my shift I grabbed a random book and went to the tea shop next door. The tea shop was so cute with children's book characters scattered everywhere. I wasn't super hungry so I just got a bagel and a peppermint tea to go. I handed the cashier my credit card, my mark on top of my right thumb obvious. He gaped at it. "Is it yours?" I asked noting his reaction.

     "No, but I think I know whose it is." I tried to keep calm. My brain was going at five million miles per hour but I started where I was and tried to act casually interested. "Umm, he's kinda shy though I'll try to convince him to come out but it may take awhile. Why don't you go find a seat?" As I waited for my tea I found a table with a Cheshire Cat theme. I heard a scuffle in the back behind the swinging doors. I saw a flash of dark blue as someone fell out of the swinging doors and behind the counter. The cashier man came out triumphantly and shoved my tea at the man who had fallen. He scanned the room for me and when he saw me, pointed in my direction again speaking to the man on the floor. I was so anxious my foot was tapping uncontrollably. My fingers twisted nervously in my lap. A man wearing a black beanie stood up. He made his way to my table but didn't face me. He quickly placed my cup on the table using and speed walked away.

     Did he not even want a soulmate? I know other people have different views than I do but it hurt that after all that waiting and hoping he didn't want me. I grabbed my bagel and tea and hurried out of the store. I ran home and huddled under my blankets, abandoning my tea. I let out a sob. How could this happen to me? All I ever wanted was a soulmate and when I finally found him he didn't want anything to do with me.

     I heard the front door open and heard the boisterous welcome of Doric. I hear him throw his keys on the table. I quickly wiped my tears and tried to smile when he poked his head in my door. His smile instantly disappeared and he silently sat next to me and put his arm around me. I cried into his chest for a while and he put on a Harry Potter movie. I let out a sad giggled and snuggled into his warmth. On movie three I finally fell asleep.

     The next day during my shift I was so distracted thinking about whether I should go to the same shop again. Would he get mad at me or would he appreciate it? I finished my shift and still hadn't decided. I walked in a random direction thinking over the decision. I soon found myself in front of the shop anyway. I walked in and saw the same guy at the counter. He smiled and winked at me. He then turned and hung up his apron on a hook and announced to the back he was going to take his break now and he had a customer waiting. he walked right by me with a cnspiritorial smirk. I walked nervoulsly to the counter. he came out and quickly set up.

     "What would you like today?" his voice was like honey or melted butter smooth and so soft. I smiled.

     "Peppermint tea, please." His head snapped up at the sound of my voice. We locked eyes and we both blushed, im pretty sure i was redder than a fire truck. I glanced down and handed him my card. He gently took it and swiped it. He held it for a moment and seemed to gather his ourage. He looked me in the, still blushing, and handed me my card with his thumb up, clearly showing his mark, identical mark. I took it from him. I went to sit at the same table as the last time.

     He came over to my table with my tea. he hesitated then set it down and quicly moved away. I turned away and sipped my tea, trying not to cry. I saw the first cahier watching from outside the window.he stormed in and grabbed beanie boy and dragged him into the back. I heard yelling and I listened to the conversation. The guy huffed angrily and spit out "You idiot! That person over there is your stinkin' SOULMATE! THEY WON'T CARE ABOUT IT!" (He used a lot of choice words but I paraphrased so its child friendly)

     I look over a bit more toward the door they had gone through. Holy crapoli! He was coming back. He hovered at my table for a few seconds then hesitantly sat down. He fiddled with his hands in his lap. I took a sip of my tea. He looked out the window. I examined the table. He glanced at his friend. I glanced at him then tapped my toes. I think if something doesn't happen in the next five minutes my heart is gonna beat so fast it'll change states of matter.



     "Wait you-"

     "You can-"

     "Oh jiminy cricket." Our words tumbled out at the same time interrupting each other.

      We each looked at the other and burst out laughing. His laugh was like a cold wind in a desert summer. I have a feeling that everything will be ok.


          Bonus scene:

      We had finally decided it was time. Time to do IT. I lay in bed next to him and we both decidedly did not look at eachother. Then I heard my roomate come in with his soulmate, turns out the register guy was soulmates with Doric. Good for them.

      A few awkward minutes later there was loud, consistent, banging sounds coming from the room next door. I felt so awkward and embarrased and I covered my red face with my hands. After a moment I felt his hand hesitantly grab mine. I laced my fingers with his and snuggled into him. We would be ok. No, we would be great.

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