My Gamma Mate

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Hey Peeps! 

A little background to the way packs work in this book:

Alphas are there ultamate power in a pack handling laws and punishments and making sure the pack is well. Betas mostly make sure the paperwork if done and the alphas laws go into affect. Gammas are third in command and are in charge of the warriors and patrols and overall protection. They are usually the best fighter in the pack except for the alpha and maybe beta. Delta's are in charge of how things are running in a small area and report straight to the "Big three" in quarter annual meetings or in case of emergency.

 Mindlink is only possible with people you have a personal connection with such as direct family and pack members. Mates can mindlink only after they have completed the mating.


"Alright, try again. It's not that hard. Your just putting your heart on a golden platter and offering it to her!" I paused that sounded really bad. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"She rejects me and I die a slow and painful death of a broken heart." Great job you reminded him of his worst fears. You are supposed to be encouraging him. Shut up Wolfie. Don't call me wolfie, My name is Florida. Yeah, yeah, shut up wolfie. She growled at me but lay down.

"No, no think positively." I may not be to great at this whole encouraging thing. I always say the wrong thing. "She could say yes! Try again. Pretend I am Lucy. Propose to me."

He closed his eyes and to took a deep breath. He bent down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Lucy, you are the most amazing girl I have ever met. The past three years i have spent being your boyfriend made me realize, I love you. I could not even dream of a life without you. I love you so, so much. Will you allow me to be the happiest man on earth and marry me?" my hart twinged. Aww Lucy is going to love this. My wolf suddenly stood up and growled raising the fur on her neck. Say no! Say NO! Do not agree! And crush Franklin's heart forever? Calm down wolfie. I put walls around her so she couldn't annoy me any more.

"Yes Franklin, I would love to marry you!" I couldn't wait to find my mate. I bet he would do romantic things all the time just like Franklin and Lucy. Suddenly i heard a crash in the bushes to my right. I turned towards the noise. A man who was not in the pack shifted and ran into the trees. "See even imaginary her didn't reject you!" I yelled back at Franklin as I trotted over to mystery man's shredded clothes. I lifted some of the ruined cloth, up to my nose and sniffed. It smelled like burning marshmallows and melted chocolate. Like a campfire and the smell of thunderstorms. It smelled like lightning and thunder, comforting and warm like a fuzzy blanket. My wolf broke through the walls I had put around her. MATE! Is it really him! Oh my gosh I finally found him. But why did he run away? Did he hate me? HE JUST SAW YOU GET A PROPOSAL AND SAY YES IDIOT HUMAN!!!! My head twinged as my wolf's ears grew out of my head. No you can't take over! I am going to apologize to him! She growled at me and snapped her jaws. You always say the wrong thing. I will not let you say anything this time. My body changed painfully into my wolf form as she took over, me fighting her the whole time. She shut me out. She bounded through the woods following the addicting scent. She soon came upon a sobbing man. Florida nosed his back. And what a back it was! He was ripped! DANG! No, not the time, not the time. He is sad because of me. Florida laid curled around his form her head resting on his leg. Florida! She ignored me and looked up at his face. Oh, My, Goodness, was he handsome or was he handsome? Yup he was handsome. Stubble adorned his jaw and that jaw looked as if it could cut through diamond. His lips were shaped to perfection, If only those lips were on mine then everything would work out somehow. Focus! His eyes! His eyes were stormy grey like the clouds before a storm. And the storm was raining down his perfect cheeks. His tears were ripping my soul apart. He turned his head away from us. No! No! I wanted to tell him. It isn't what you think it is!I tried pushing through but Florida pushed me back, furious at me for ruining our chances with our mate. She whined and licked at his jaw where tears were dripping down.

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