Escape Pod Chat

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Lance opened her mouth to once again question why Shiro was going against what was said only a few hours before. It didn't make sense as to why he was changing his mind now it merely wasn't like him. If anything she was starting to suspect there was another clone was back in Shiro's place.

"Don't." It was a simple word voiced with a firm command that made Lance carefully shut her mouth. She looked down for a moment before looking back up her eyes narrowing at Shiro's receding figure. She couldn't place it Picking up her pace she walked to his side and glanced over at him before looking directly in front. They walked down the corridor in a blanket of silence their footsteps making the occasional scuffle against the metal flooring.

After a few minutes, Shiro turned to the right heading down the corridor that leads to the pods. Shouldn't we be heading to the Lions? She glanced eagerly towards the lions taking a step in that direction. If I ran now then, I might have a chance for a head start. She took another step having almost made her mind up only to pause her eyes transfixed on the door that led to her lion. Do you want to voluntarily risk losing their trust forever or do you want to attempt and see what you can do to fix it? The thought almost made her stop and turn around. Almost. She continued forward determination in her step. She was going making it back to the base and she was going to help Jarep help stop the Galra and their sick plan to wipe out halfbreeds. Picking up the pace into a jog she made it to her lion's chamber, heart racing and hands shaking.

Her hand held a direct course to the pad that allowed her access to the room only for it to instantly change paths as the image around the edge of her vision darkened, fading to a black almost immediately.

Lance groaned as her eyes opened to reveal the dashboard of an escape pod. The windshield above it displayed nothing but the broad expanse of space that tilted slightly as she shifted in her seat. She carefully placed her fingertips against her forehead wincing as she applied pressure.

"Look who's finally awake," A feminine voice spoke with a slight annoyance. Lance turned her head the edges of her vision blurring as she caught sight of the pilot. She sat properly with her back firmly pressed against the seat-back. Her arms were straight out in front of her, nimble fingers wrapped around the wheel. She was properly clothed in black armor with brilliant red trimmed around her waist and on her shoulders. Her chest plate was decorated with the distinctive Galra markings. Blue hair that faded instantly to purple covered her ears and framed her purple-hued skin.

"Krolia? What happened to Shiro?" Lance asked taking her time to sit up in the seat.

"Shiro was never there. It was all me." her grip on the wheel tightened ever so slightly, "I have some news that couldn't wait until a checkpoint."

"Checkpoint? Krolia you missed your last four checkpoints."

"There's a reason for that."

"Which is called Blade of Marmora," Lance remarked sarcastically with an distinct edge to her voice. Despite her practical affairs with Jarep, Krolia still went to the Blade of Marmora claiming she would still check-in. One day, she naturally started missing checkpoints here and there not bothering to let us know why. Jarep finally had enough and started questioning anything and everything she did.

"It's not them. You know I was undercover. Being Jarep's number two and everything you know practically everything anyways," she glanced over at Lance, "How's that going anyway? You two still together?"

Lance shifted in her seat her arms folding together across her body. She carefully opened her mouth to respond but quickly closed it gently shaking her head. "It ended not long after you left."

The conversation died practically instantaneously after that, neither of them bothering to say a thing. Krolia kept her eyes forward glancing at the dashboard every once in a while to check on fuel and to see if the scanners had picked up anything. Lance primarily stayed focused on the vast emptiness of space, but something kept making her turn back to look at Krolia.

"How did you disguise your self as Shiro?" She finally spoke shattering the deafening silence into a million pieces.

Krolia's jaw stiffened. Reaching into a pocket she fished a compact circular device that was a dark gray, in the center was a screen that flashed on when Krolia held it up. "They are getting creative."

Lance didn't ask what she meant by 'they'. She took the mobile device Krolia offered to her and flipped it over. Sure enough, there was the Galra emblem stamped into the back. The Galra were getting a lot more creative. "What is this?" She asked placing it into Krolia's outstretched hand.

"They don't have a name for it as far as I heard, but what it can achieve is enough," Krolia replied bitterly slipping it back into her pocket.

"What can it do?" Lance hated the fact that she had to pull the specific information out of her, instead of her just telling her what exactly the device did.

"One specific word for you-" She extended her pointer finger towards the ceiling of the pod- "Champion."

"You don't mean..."

"Not just him, others too. The Galra have an extensive database, complete with blood samples and accurate pictures." She carefully shook her head, "they can infiltrate anywhere and we'd never know it."

"Why didn't you come to us sooner?" Lance said leaning forwards in her seat, her eyes searched Krolia's face.

"I frantically tried to, believe me, but they were obsessively watching everyone. They were extremely cautious about who knew what. Thanks to Haggar the Galra empire lost soldiers left and right for just walking into a room at the wrong time. They were executed that second no questions asked. So I had to play smart well in my case dumb. I had to act like I only knew what I was supposed to, you know? Bide my time.

"So why come to me and not go directly to the base?"

Krolia flipped a switch next to the wheel setting the pod into autopilot. She turned in her seat to face Lance her arms resting on her thighs. "I require your help. You know Jarep never listened to me, but he'll listen to you. You still have pull."

Lance started gently shaking her head, "I told you it was over,"

"Is it? Look me in the eyes and solemnly tell me you still don't feel anything for him,"

Lance tore away from her questioning gaze to look out the window, "I'll see what I can do, as his number two. Not as a former lover."

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