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she who tries to please everyone

she who doesn't have confidence

she who cries silently each night

she who fucks everything up

she who hides everything

she who feels worthless

she who harms herself

she who wants to rest

she who can't say no

she who got tired


she who wants to give up but still fight

she who is tired of fighting the voices

she who just want everything to end

she who pretends everything is fine

she who badly want to seek help

she who is tired of the world

she who got really tired


she who doesn't seem to care about others

she who doesn't show what she really feels

she who waits people to interact with her

she who fights so much battle within her

she who blames everything to herself

she who changes her mood in a snap

she who gets annoyed easily

she who fears many things

she who got tired


she who has to keep her fears to be liked

she who did everything to prove them right

she who wish to do so much things

she who spend most of the time overthinking

she who wasted every chances

she who just wants to be happy

she who has high expectations

she who cries herself to sleep

she who got really tired


she who wasted so many chances

she who stuck up with the thought of people judging her every move

she who just wants to do what she really wants but can't

she who just wants to be the 'daughter' her parents wanted

she who forced herself to do things to make them happy

she who wasted so much time in her life

she who overthinks everything

she who is tired of fighting

she who lost the battle

she who now give up

she who got completely exhausted


12 · 07 · 19

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