Prince of the Streets (seme)

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Basic Information


Name- Jhonathan Nimb

Nickname- Princel, JN, prince of the Streets

Age- 19

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Pansexual

Species- Human






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Tails/Ears/Wings- None

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Tails/Ears/Wings- None

Style of Clothing- He preferes to sick with the darker and loose fiting clothes

Accessories- His crown and gloves (Both in first picture)

Tattoos- Has 'Im a royal pain in the ass' on the back of neck

Piercings- Industrial on his right ear and standard studs on both ears

Hair Color- A deep and dark blue but looks black in certain lighting

Eye Color-A silvery wisp

Height- 5'10


In Depth


Personality- Jhonathan not only has a huge ego but also a very small temper. He also isnt your typical criminal. He doenst kill or steal just to do it or for benifits. No he does it to watch the reaction of his actions. He just loves to study and watch the little pest of the city scramble around after his latest stunt. Jhonathan also knows how to play his cards well. There is a reason he is called the Prince of the Streets. He has connections all over the city and has managed to slip through the finger tips of almost all the policmen that have come close to catching him. And the final thing is that he loves a good intercourse. he will always make sexual jokes just to see the person reaction. I guess another way to put it is that the Princel has a sick humor, a crave to see disastor, is a hot head with a non hesitant swing, and is a very sexual person.

Powers- None

Strengths- Jhonathan always plans ahead before he pulls a stunt. He is also very good at getting people to do his bidding.

Flaws- He has a inflated ego as he has rarely been caught, and when he has been he alwasy escaped. His temper is another thing with him as if something goes wrong he will take his anger out on some one. Let it be physical, emotional, or even sexual.

Habits- If JN see soemthing of interest and he can hold it, he will instantly pick it up and examine it, usually pocketing afterwards, taps his fingers against his leg or any surface when bored, hums quietly to himself when bored, making plans

Likes- Causing chaos, being chased, getting caught while knowing he can escape (It adds excitment), blowing things up, fire, death, killing, stealing, seeing fear on others faces, making jokes, sex

Dislikes- getting caught with out an escape plan, being called useless or a nobody, when those under him question his actions, having to deal with those tht crossed the line, the warden, being confined/not being able to move that well





"A prince can't get their hands dirty" Hence why he wears his gloves

"I keep my head high but my middle finger higher"

"I'm not asking who's going to let me, I'm asking who will stop me. Because surley it can't be you"

"I can show you how well I am in bed if you just get me out of here."

Weapons- It depends on the situation. He needs information? It all up witht he tazer a baton. Killing or fighting someone? either whatever he can find or his baseball bat or simple switch blade.

Drinks- yes

Smokes- yes

Pets- None

Occupation- One of the biggest criminals

Family- not that he knows of

Friends- None

Backstory- Jhonathan knew his family for maybe three years before he got kidnapped. Yes kidnapped. At first it was for ransom but aperantly his family never payed it and so when he was about to die, who ever was incharge of his kidnapping changed their mind and instead raise little JN so be one of them. After years of growing up in that lifestyle, he left the gang he grew up in. he started on his own, not trusting anyone and slowly gaining followers, or just petty criminals who needed a master mind. Though Jn doesnt claim them as a gang, they will do whatever he says.

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