Boss Man (seme)

128 3 54


Basic Information


Name- Vincent

Nickname- Vin, Vinny but he'll only allow someone close to him to call him that

Age- 24

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Pansexual

Species- Wizard






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Tails/Ears/Wings- None

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Tails/Ears/Wings- None

Style of Clothing- Usually a mix of formal and casual. But his favorite shirt is the one in the last picture

Accessories- The choker/necklace in the third picture and a pocket watch

Tattoos- He has a snake tattoo that wraps around his right arm from the elbow up and the head ends on his shoulder. It is in a gray sclas but in some places it looks like his skin is being torn away and underneath it is blue scales of the snake.

Piercings- Simple studs

Hair Color- Black

Eye Color- Red

Height- 5'3


In Depth


Personality- Vincent is a strict male when it comes to his job. He only wants things to get started and then for them to get finished efficiently and as quick as possible. He can come off as quite cold and rude because he is. He rarely opens up or even talks to people that aren't close to him unless he has to. And to someone that is close to him he isn't much different. He can still be cold and quite and times but he does speak more, even making jokes sometimes. But the main way to know if your close to him is when he begins to buy things for you and spoil you.

Powers- He has the ability to cast spells and has a deathly glare


Prudence You plan for the future and achieve your goals by making careful everyday choices.

Open-mindness You like to consider new ideas and try new things. You examine things from all sides and don't jump to conclusions.

Perseverance You complete what you start despite obstacles. You never give up.

Love of Learning You master new skills and topics on your own or in school.


Cold He rarely ever talks to anyone else and prefers to be alone

Yeah so I can't think of any sorry

Habits- He will close his eyes or run his hands through his hair in stressfull situations

Likes- Reading, music, his work, learning new spells, doing magic, the rain, walking in the woods, animals, sweets, spicy food, cooking, cuddling surprisingly, alcohal

Dislikes- Fire, when he stays at work to late, when someone calls him a workaholic, when people call him a monster because he is a wizard, quite a bit actually





Weapons- None

Drinks- Yes

Smokes- Yes

Pets- His name is Moun

Occupation- He runs a company that is blowing up

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Occupation- He runs a company that is blowing up


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